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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal, beyond solving the climate crisis, would guarantee a living wage job and a minimum income for all Americans. #debates #Debate2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Both major parties are dominated by the military-industrial complex. I will cut the military budget by 75% to reinvest in our domestic needs and climate action. #Debates2020 #debate"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "We need to end the power of the Supreme Court to overturn legislation passed by Congress. We need to restrict the Supreme Court to the powers they are given under the Constitution. #debates #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "The Green Party supports improved and expanded #MedicareForAll. The ACA did expand access to Medicaid, but it was written by insurance company CEOs to expand their profits. #Debates2020 #debate"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Unlike the Obama administration, the Green Party will never make the mistake of deporting so many of our neighbors seeking a better life for their families. Immigrants continue to make our country stronger. #debates #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "The Green Party has always been clear about the need to End the War on Drugs, starting with legalization of marijuana and reparations for the communities that have been most negatively impacted. #Debates2020 #debates"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "At my inauguration, I will say we will put the well-being of the 99% ahead of the greed of the 1%. We will implement the Economic Bill of Rights that FDR announced in his last State of the Union while moving quickly on climate action. #Debates2020#DebateTonight"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Since March we have put forward an urgent agenda to address COVID-19 and the economic collapse. The health and economic crises have only deepened since. We need a relief plan that puts people first, along with a green economic stimulus. #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "I want socialized medicine. #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "I am the one presidential candidate who has always embraced the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. #debates #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "ABOLISH ICE #debates #AbolishICE"
10/20/2020 Letter to Michelle Carey, Media Bureau Chief of The Media Bureau of The Federal Communications Commission - Hawkins Files Communications Act Violation with Fcc to Order Rush Limbaugh to Provide 2 Hours of Equal Time
10/20/2020 Tweet - "We need an Economic Bill of Rights that will guarantee a right to a living wage job, affordable housing, comprehensive healthcare, a lifelong free public education, and a secure retirement! Learn more about our proposal at"
10/19/2020 Tweet - "Bolivians reject the US-backed coup regime, voting again for socialism! The socialist gov't developed Bolivia's economy, reduced poverty, increased literacy, recuperated control of natural resources, and uplifted the rights of indigenous peoples. #BoliviaRecuperaSuDemocracia"
10/19/2020 Tweet - "Congratulations to Socialist Luis Arce for his electoral victory in #Bolivia! The Movement Towards Socialism got 20 points more than the closest right wing competitor. #Indigenous people recovered democracy after bloody coup backed by U.S. #Evo"
10/18/2020 Campaign Op-Ed - Are Environmentalists Too Compromised to Fight for Real Solutions?
10/15/2020 Tweet - "Unlike @JoeBiden , I have a plan on how to limit the powers of the Supreme Court, more in line with the Constitution. Such as limiting their power to overrule legislative action. And Congress should take legislative action to overturn wrong rulings."
10/15/2020 Tweet - "Many young black voters are not voting for Biden because he opposes the goals of #BlackLivesMatter It's time to dismantle our criminal justice system starting with community control of the police. I have called to End the War on Drugs - the new Jim Crow - for decades."
10/14/2020 Hawkins Calls for Election Protection from Trump's Racist Vigilantes
10/13/2020 Hawkins Demands Equal Time on Rush Limbaugh After Trump's "radio Rally"
10/13/2020 Tweet - "Social Justice is a central value of the Green Party and a major issue for our campaign. From the beginning, the US has been a racist state that oppressed and exploited communities of color. We must end present discrimination and reverse and make amends for past violence."
10/12/2020 Hawkins for President Supports Renaming Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples Day
10/12/2020 Tweet - "This week we are going to look closer at our racial/social justice policies. As today is Indigenous People's Day, we'll start with that community's leadership fighting against the environmental destruction that often impacts minority communities hardest."
10/11/2020 Tweet - "We need an Ecosocialist Green New Deal to restructure our economy into a socialist economic democracy where the working-class majority is empowered to protect its interests and receive the full value of its labor. Read the article at"
10/09/2020 Tweet - "Let's be clear, while Trump/Pence and Biden/Harris jostle over who will help the oil and gas industry more, there is ONE campaign on the ballot that will ban fracking and that's Hawkins/Walker. You can't claim to have a serious climate policy if you won't #BanFracking"

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