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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

Date Title
10/22/2020 Tweet - "I am the one presidential candidate who has always embraced the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. #debates #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "We need to stop any foreign interference with our elections. We also need to stop interference by the major parties in suppressing the right of millions of Americans from being able to vote, and to stop corporations from being able to buy elections. #Debates2020 #DebateTonight"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "We need to end the power of the Supreme Court to overturn legislation passed by Congress. We need to restrict the Supreme Court to the powers they are given under the Constitution. #debates #Debates2020"
10/15/2020 Tweet - "Unlike @JoeBiden , I have a plan on how to limit the powers of the Supreme Court, more in line with the Constitution. Such as limiting their power to overrule legislative action. And Congress should take legislative action to overturn wrong rulings."
10/15/2020 Tweet - "Many young black voters are not voting for Biden because he opposes the goals of #BlackLivesMatter It's time to dismantle our criminal justice system starting with community control of the police. I have called to End the War on Drugs - the new Jim Crow - for decades."
10/14/2020 Hawkins Calls for Election Protection from Trump's Racist Vigilantes
10/13/2020 Tweet - "Social Justice is a central value of the Green Party and a major issue for our campaign. From the beginning, the US has been a racist state that oppressed and exploited communities of color. We must end present discrimination and reverse and make amends for past violence."
09/20/2020 Hawkins Says Climate Justice Requires Racial Justice
08/26/2020 Tweet - "We need a police force that protects all community residents, not attack people of color. We need to #DefundthePolice to support housing, social workers and mental health programs. Demilitarize the police. #RNC2020 Stop the killings. Community control."
07/28/2020 Release: Hawkins/walker Call for Poll Watchers to Combat Black and Latinx Voter Suppression
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Perspectives and Policies for A Green Presidential Campaign
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Economic Bill of Rights
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Community Control of The Police: An Idea Whose Time Came and Never Left
10/17/2014 Racism Undermines Quality of Life in New York
10/02/2014 Hawkins Calls for Action on Desegregation in Westchester, Statewide
09/18/2014 Support Immigrant Voting Rights, Benefit Access