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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/09/2020 Tweet - "Let's be clear, while Trump/Pence and Biden/Harris jostle over who will help the oil and gas industry more, there is ONE campaign on the ballot that will ban fracking and that's Hawkins/Walker. You can't claim to have a serious climate policy if you won't #BanFracking"
09/29/2020 Hawkins Demands Full-Strength Green New Deal
09/26/2020 Hawkins Slams House Energy Bill for Promoting Fossil Fuels and Nukes
08/20/2020 Release: Hawkins Calls for Biden to Stand up To the Fossil Fuel Industry
11/03/2014 Hawkins: Use Your Vote to Send a Message
10/31/2014 Howie Hawkins on DemocracyNow! Hawkins Talks Fracking, Clean Energy, Inequality, Schools, Cuomo Cover-ups, Cuomo's WEP/WFP Trickery
10/30/2014 Register-Star - Green Party Candidate for Governor Makes Stop in Hudson
10/29/2014 Hawkins Blasts Cabot Oil & Gas for Barring Journalists from Astorino's Fracking Tour While Attempting to Jail Hawkins' Citizen Tour Guide Vera Scroggins
10/29/2014 Hawkins Opposes Cuomo's Attack on Schools - "Education Is Not a Game"
10/27/2014 Hawkins Is Only Progressive Option for Teachout Supporters
10/26/2014 At Manhattan Campaign Rally and Fundraiser Hawkins Says After Election Cuomo Will Give Green Light to Fracking. Says We Must Do More to End Poverty, Income Inequality
10/23/2014 Mudflats - NY's Howie Hawkins -- Candidate for Governor
10/22/2014 Hawkins Wins Governor Debate: With Substance and Plans Green Party's Hawkins Demonstrates He is Only Progressive on the Ballot
10/22/2014 Yahoo News - NY Governor Hopefuls Debate Economy, Leadership
10/22/2014 Capital New York - Six Things to Watch For In the Gubernatorial Debate
10/21/2014 Howie Hawkins Vows to Ask Gov. Cuomo at Debate Why His Administration Tampered with Federal Fracking Study
10/21/2014 Time Warner Cable News - Howie Hawkins Claims Gov. Cuomo Edited USGS Fracking Report
10/20/2014 Legislative Gazette - Following His Fracking Tour, Hawkins Outlines Energy Plan
10/20/2014 Hawkins to Ask Cuomo Why He Tampered with Fracking Study
10/17/2014 Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform Endorse Howie Hawkins for Governor. Third NYC Democratic Club To Have Endorsed Hawkins This Week
10/17/2014 Hawkins Blasts Cabot Gas Move to Jail Anti-Fracking Leader Vera Scroggins
10/17/2014 Hawkins: Public Schools, Not Charter Schools; Renewable Energy, Not Fracking
10/15/2014 Hawkins on Barnstorming Tour: New York Must Ban Fracking. Cuomo Cannot be Trusted
10/13/2014 Hawkins Condemns Fracking, 'Cuomo Can't Be Trusted'
10/13/2014 Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club Endorse Green Party's Howie Hawkins for Governor. Second Leading Progressive Democratic Club to Endorse Hawkins After Village Independent Democrats

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