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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Environment

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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11/05/2020 Tweet - "If I had been elected President, on my first day I would have declared a #ClimateEmergecy and taken executive action to save life on our planet and give a decent future to our children. Whomever wins needs to do the same. #GreenNewDeal #NoFossilFuels"
11/02/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will deliver 100% clean energy by 2030, create millions of new jobs, and implement an Economic Bill of Rights that will end poverty and homelessness and provide #MedicareForAll! Read about our #GreenNewDeal budget at"
10/29/2020 Tweet - "One of the most important things we need to do to avert climate catastrophe is ban fracking and all new fossil fuel infrastructure. We can't afford four more years of Trump's climate denial or four years of Biden's "fracking is the future" energy policy! We need a Green New Deal!"
10/29/2020 Tweet - "Trump may call climate change a hoax, but Biden acts like it's a hoax! We need a Green New Deal that not only addresses the climate crisis, but acts as a COVID recovery program that combats spiraling inequality. Read about our #GreenNewDeal proposal at"
10/25/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal delivers 100% clean energy, an economic bill of rights, and creates 38 million new jobs. Learn more about our proposal at"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal will create 38 million jobs and transform all sectors of the economy to zero emissions by 2030. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will create 38 million jobs across all sectors, while providing a #JustTransition for workers as we transition all sectors of the economy to 100% clean,renewable energy by 2030! Read about our plan for a #GND at"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "At my inauguration, I will say we will put the well-being of the 99% ahead of the greed of the 1%. We will implement the Economic Bill of Rights that FDR announced in his last State of the Union while moving quickly on climate action. #Debates2020#DebateTonight"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal, beyond solving the climate crisis, would guarantee a living wage job and a minimum income for all Americans. #debates #Debate2020"
10/18/2020 Campaign Op-Ed - Are Environmentalists Too Compromised to Fight for Real Solutions?
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Our campaign is framed around the life and death issues. We are calling for a Green New Deal to address the climate crisis, and an Economic Bill of Rights to tackle growing inequality. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "In 2010, I was the 1st candidate in the US to run on a Green New Deal. Today we have made it mainstream, supported by the US majority. Our plan incorporates an Economic Bill of Rights that the Dems won't touch, & the GOP hates that we can afford it:"
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Pence spouting old corporate trope of jobs vs. environment. Our budget for an ecosocialist Green New Deal shows how we can create 38 million jobs caring for people and the planet."
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Only #HawkinsWalker2020 will ban fracking and take on climate change with a Green New Deal. #VPDebate"
10/02/2020 Hawkins Statement on COVID and Trump
10/01/2020 Tweet - "The US military is in Africa to protect US-based global corporations and banks with interests in oil, minerals, cheap labor, and illegitimate debt collection. The US is not there to protect the people in America or in Africa. (1/3) #ShutdownAFRICOM"
09/20/2020 Hawkins Says Climate Justice Requires Racial Justice
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Together we can push for a #GreenNewDeal, save this planet, and provide economic opportunities for all. Lets take this movement forward together."
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Since capitalism is a root cause of climate change, it must be replaced by ecosocialism. Biden's climate plan doubles down both on capitalism and fossil fuels, with a 30-year plan to only net-zero emmissons (i.e., still burn fossil fuels). Vote for a #GreenNewDeal #PublicPower"
09/18/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism is killing the planet. We need major change now if we are to overcome the overlapping crises of climate catastrophe, spiraling racial and economic inequality, and a new nuclear arms race. We need a new direction. We need a #GreenNewDeal!"
09/13/2020 Tweet - "Wildfires are the alarm bell to act on the #ClimateEmergency. We need a full-scale mobilization to eliminate the burning of fossil fuels in the next decade and make a rapid transition to clean energy sources. #GreenNewDeal"
09/13/2020 Hawkins: Wildfires Are the Alarm Bell to Declare Climate Emergency
09/09/2020 Tweet - "The best way to rebuild economy from the COVID collapse is to invest in our #GreenNewDeal. Combining job creation from building wind, solar and geothermal and doing conservation and sustainable agriculture with #MedicareForAll, affordable housing, guaranteed income. #TaxTheRich"
09/01/2020 Tweet - "When I first proposed a #GreenNewDeal for the US in 2010, I knew that getting to zero carbon emissions in 10 years needed to be coupled with a decent standard of living (economic bill of rights) for all. Climate action must focus on system change, taking power back from the 1%."
08/28/2020 Hawkins/Walker Announce Green Party on The Ballot in Minnesota

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