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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: National Security

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

Date Title
10/02/2020 Hawkins Statement on COVID and Trump
09/20/2020 Hawkins Says Climate Justice Requires Racial Justice
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Since capitalism is a root cause of climate change, it must be replaced by ecosocialism. Biden's climate plan doubles down both on capitalism and fossil fuels, with a 30-year plan to only net-zero emmissons (i.e., still burn fossil fuels). Vote for a #GreenNewDeal #PublicPower"
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Together we can push for a #GreenNewDeal, save this planet, and provide economic opportunities for all. Lets take this movement forward together."
09/17/2020 Tweet - "The US can play a pivotal role in initiating nuclear disarmament. US nuclear disarmament initiatives should start with taking US nukes off hair-trigger alert, declaring a No First Use policy, and unilaterally disarming to a minimum credible deterrent."
09/13/2020 Tweet - "Wildfires are the alarm bell to act on the #ClimateEmergency. We need a full-scale mobilization to eliminate the burning of fossil fuels in the next decade and make a rapid transition to clean energy sources. #GreenNewDeal"
09/13/2020 Hawkins: Wildfires Are the Alarm Bell to Declare Climate Emergency
08/26/2020 Tweet - "Trump continued the effort by Obama to increase the wasteful funding of the Pentagon and to make nuclear weapons a greater threat to world security. I will cut the military budget by at least 75%, and redirect the funds to a #GreenNewDeal, bring out troops home. #RNC2020"
10/26/2014 Howie Hawkins Statement On Cuomo's Shameful Ebola Quarantine. Big Pharma's Obstacle to Vaccination and A Call for Publicly Owned Drug Research and Production
Hawkins Laments Loss of Democracy in 2006 US Senate Race in NY