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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/09/2020 Tweet - "Let's be clear, while Trump/Pence and Biden/Harris jostle over who will help the oil and gas industry more, there is ONE campaign on the ballot that will ban fracking and that's Hawkins/Walker. You can't claim to have a serious climate policy if you won't #BanFracking"
10/09/2020 Tweet - "Ranked Choice Voting is one of the many reforms we need to build a real democracy in the US and Maine is leading the way in that are, with Ranked Choice Voting up and down the ticket, the Green's @LisaForMaine ! #RankHowieFirst #RankLisaFirst"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Demilitarize the police. Invest in social services. Legalize marijuana. End the war on drugs. We need community control of the police! #OpenDebate #Debate2020 #debates"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We cannot continue to arm the world. We are complicit in the crisis in Yemen. We have a refugee crisis greater now than at any other time since WWII. We need diplomacy. We must uphold human rights. We must respect international law. We must support free movement of peoples."
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Vaccines Work! They must be tested, there must be education, and it must be available free for all. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need to dismantle the privatization of space. We need to invest in NASA and work towards global cooperation. #DebateNight #Debates2020 #OpenDebate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "So Trump, the Typhoid Mary of COVID-19, won't debate Biden online. What? He wants it in person so he can infect Biden, too? I'll take Trump's place and present solutions the majority of people want but both Trump and Biden oppose, like a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. - H"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Trump says he won't debate Biden virtually. I'd be happy to fill in. Biden can finally be honest about his politics and take the stage as the true conservative candidate and the progressives policies can finally be represented on stage. #LetHowieDebate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Protect Whistleblowers! #OpenDebate #Debate2020 #debates"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need to stop the new nuclear arms race. Instead of nuclear weapon modernization, we need prohibition. My administration would disarm to a minimum credible deterrent and negotiate global nuclear weapon prohibition, which 122 nations have already agreed to in 2017 #OpenDebate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "End the war on drugs. Legalize and tax marijuana. Decriminalize all other drugs for personal possession. This is a health crisis, not a criminal one! #OpenDebate #Debate2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need Ranked Choice Voting in every State + D.C. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Abolish the Electoral College! #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We must give back stolen lands and honor indigenous treaty rights. We need to guarantee representation of native people in Washington, and bring about proportional representation to our entire electoral system. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "In 2010, I was the 1st candidate in the US to run on a Green New Deal. Today we have made it mainstream, supported by the US majority. Our plan incorporates an Economic Bill of Rights that the Dems won't touch, & the GOP hates that we can afford it:"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "End the surveillance state! #OpenDebate #Debate2020 #debates"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "End the endless wars. Cut the military budget by 75%. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Our campaign is framed around the life and death issues. We are calling for a Green New Deal to address the climate crisis, and an Economic Bill of Rights to tackle growing inequality. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We must end high-stakes testing in education, and end the digital divide. The pandemic has shown the necessity for public broadband for every household, especially for our students. #Debates2020 #OpenDebate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need Full Public Campaign Financing #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "No Space Force. No militarization of space. #OpenDebate #DebateNight #Debates2020"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "No charter schools. Invest in public schools. #OpenDebates #Debates2020"
10/07/2020 Free Press - a Green Vote Is an Anti-Trump Vote, Too
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Only #HawkinsWalker2020 will ban fracking and take on climate change with a Green New Deal. #VPDebate"
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Justice has NOT been served in the case of Breonna Taylor. #VPDebate"

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