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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Justice has NOT been served in the case of Breonna Taylor. #VPDebate"
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Only #HawkinsWalker2020 will ban fracking and take on climate change with a Green New Deal. #VPDebate"
10/06/2020 Tweet - "Who really represents the popular, transformative policies fought for by progressives? We're the only campaign calling for #MedicareForAll, a #GreenNewDeal, a $20 Minimum Wage, getting money out of politics, and doubling social security! Vote your values. #NeverSettle"
10/04/2020 Tweet - ""Julian Assange should be freed immediately. He has done what every journalist and publisher do in fulfilling an important duty to inform the public of what is happening." Read the statement at"
10/04/2020 Tweet - "After the last train wreck of a debate, some have called for the rest of the debates be cancelled. We say don't cancel the debates, open them! Voters should hear from more than the two corporate candidates. We more choice than the lesser of evils."
10/04/2020 Tweet - "With over 200,000 dead, over 4 million infected, including the first family and Trump's inner circle, it is clear that we need new leadership to overcome and recover from COVID. We have put forward a desperately needed relief plan for months. Read it at"
10/02/2020 Hawkins Statement on COVID and Trump
10/01/2020 Tweet - "The US military is in Africa to protect US-based global corporations and banks with interests in oil, minerals, cheap labor, and illegitimate debt collection. The US is not there to protect the people in America or in Africa. (1/3) #ShutdownAFRICOM"
09/29/2020 Tweet - "While the nomination of the new Supreme Court Justice should wait until the next presidential term, it is also important to reign in the powers of the court, which is an unaccountable, unelected, super-legislative council of lifers. #Debates2020"
09/29/2020 Tweet - "Part of my #GreenNewDeal that I first proposed in 2010 is to guarantee a living wage job for all Americans - while saving life on our planet. #debates #Debates2020"
09/29/2020 Hawkins Demands Full-Strength Green New Deal
09/26/2020 Hawkins Slams House Energy Bill for Promoting Fossil Fuels and Nukes
09/25/2020 Tweet - "Besides supporting the goals of the #DefundThePolice, I have long advocated for grassroots community control of the police, giving the people the power to hold the police and law enforcement accountable. Vote #GreenParty for a Change."
09/25/2020 Tweet - "The 1st presidential debate is on Tuesday and Howie will be in Cleveland, outside the venue, joining protesters on the ground and calling for his admittance into the debate! We will be streaming/live tweeting during the debate and Howie will go live with his reaction afterwards."
09/24/2020 Tweet - "Healthcare is a top campaign issue and the COVID pandemic has only made it even more clear that the profit-first healthcare system we have does not work! We need #MedicareForAll, but Joe Biden's not with us. #BelieveBiden when he says if you want #M4A, vote for someone else!"
09/24/2020 Tweet - ""While the nomination of the new Supreme Court Justice should wait until the next presidential term, it is also important to reign in the powers of the court, which is an an unaccountable, unelected, super-legislative council of lifers.""
09/24/2020 Tweet - "Biden and Trump want to install Guaidó as Venezuelan president. That's not democracy or human rights. UN Secretary-General & UN Human Rights Commissioner call on US to end its deadly economic blockade on Venezuela. That's how US should support human rights in Venezuela."
09/23/2020 Tweet - "The failure to indict Louisville cops for murdering #BreonnaTaylor shows again we cannot allow police & prosecutors to police themselves. We need Community Control so they serve & protect the people instead of the power structure of racial capitalism."
09/23/2020 Tweet - "The Supreme Court is an unaccountable, unelected super-legislative council of lifers."
09/23/2020 Hawkins Says Supreme Court Nomination Should Wait until After the Election
09/22/2020 Tweet - "More than half of the members of Congress are millionaires. All but 9 of our Presidents have been millionaires (adjusted for 2016 valuation). To achieve the change we need, we need to stop the reign of the wealthy. We need #WorkersInTheWhiteHouse!"
09/22/2020 Tweet - "Healthcare was a top 2020 issue before the COVID pandemic hit, yet we are the only campaign with ballot access calling for #MedicareForAll! We need real solutions to the life & death problems that we face, not more of the same corporatism. Get involved at"
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Abolish Corporate Personhood."
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Trump is terrible on every policy, so Biden gets away with offering crumbs, and the working class is told to shut-up. Our socialist campaign is fighting for a #GreenNewDeal and #MedicareForAll by building alternative political power. Don't get lost in the sauce."
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Abolish the U.S. Senate."

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