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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Abolish Corporate Personhood."
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Abolish the Electoral College."
09/21/2020 Tweet - "Why did I ask Angela Walker -my first choice- to be my running mate? Easy. It's the brains for me. It's the truth telling for me. It's the not being a cop for me. Follow her: @AngelaNWalker"
09/20/2020 Hawkins Says Climate Justice Requires Racial Justice
09/20/2020 Tweet - "With the US crossing the 200,000 threshold in #COVID deaths, it could not be more clear that we need new leadership that can deliver real, people-first relief. We have called for a major relief package since the beginning of the pandemic. Read about it at"
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Together we can push for a #GreenNewDeal, save this planet, and provide economic opportunities for all. Lets take this movement forward together."
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Since capitalism is a root cause of climate change, it must be replaced by ecosocialism. Biden's climate plan doubles down both on capitalism and fossil fuels, with a 30-year plan to only net-zero emmissons (i.e., still burn fossil fuels). Vote for a #GreenNewDeal #PublicPower"
09/18/2020 Howie Hawkins Calls for A Federal Financial Transaction Tax
09/18/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism is killing the planet. We need major change now if we are to overcome the overlapping crises of climate catastrophe, spiraling racial and economic inequality, and a new nuclear arms race. We need a new direction. We need a #GreenNewDeal!"
09/17/2020 Tweet - "Whether the official debates, @joerogan 's debate, whatever, name a time and place to debate and I'll be there. Voters deserve to hear more than the corporate approved candidates. Voters deserve to know that they have a progressive option! #LetHowieDebate"
09/17/2020 Tweet - "The US can play a pivotal role in initiating nuclear disarmament. US nuclear disarmament initiatives should start with taking US nukes off hair-trigger alert, declaring a No First Use policy, and unilaterally disarming to a minimum credible deterrent."
09/16/2020 Tweet - "We must say no more fossil fuels. We need a President who will work to halt all new fossil fuel infrastructure and ban fracking. Zero emissions by 2030. Build offshore wind. #GreenNewDeal Use renewable heat for our buildings. Regenerative agriculture."
09/15/2020 Tweet - "One of the central parts of our campaign platform is our Democracy Agenda. To have a democratic society, we need to restructure government and election so that people have the power, not elites and special interests. #DemocracyIsAGreenKeyValue"
09/15/2020 Tweet - "We propose a 75% cut to military spending (which still leaves us as the highest spending in the world), closing the 800 US overseas bases, and ending our meddling and support of coups around the world. We need to get our priorities straight and #EndWar."
09/14/2020 Tweet - "Howie on today's Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling keeping us off the ballot. "We were screwed. Partisan hacks should not be running elections for their own parties. They set up the absentee ballot snafu. The decision is a travesty of justice."
09/14/2020 Greens Demand Ballot Decision Today
09/14/2020 Greens Denounce Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Regarding the Ballot
09/13/2020 Tweet - "Wildfires are the alarm bell to act on the #ClimateEmergency. We need a full-scale mobilization to eliminate the burning of fossil fuels in the next decade and make a rapid transition to clean energy sources. #GreenNewDeal"
09/13/2020 Hawkins: Wildfires Are the Alarm Bell to Declare Climate Emergency
09/12/2020 Tweet - "With 4% of the world's population, the US has 23% of COVID cases and 21% of COVID deaths. One of the major contributors to those tragic numbers is our for-profit healthcare system. We need a healthcare system that puts people, not profits first. We need #MedicareForAll"
09/12/2020 Hawkins Fights for Green Party's Survival
09/12/2020 Hawkins Demands Immediate Resolution of Wisconsin Ballot Case
09/11/2020 Dissident Voice - Reject Militarism on The Anniversary of 9/11
09/11/2020 Tweet - "65x more people have died of COVID in the US than died in the 9/11 attacks. We need change. We need leaders who put people first. We need leaders who strive for peace and justice, not death and destruction. We need the Green Party."
09/10/2020 Tweet - "The kind of changes that we need to make to transition to an #Ecosocialist future will require a restructuring of the economy that will displace many workers. While our #GND will create 38 million jobs, we still need to provide a #JustTransition for workers in a changing economy."

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