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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
09/10/2020 Dissident Voice - Reject Militarism on the Anniversary of 9/11
09/10/2020 Tweet - "Police violence won't be stopped until the people have real, democratic control over law enforcement agencies in their communities. Until people have the power, there will be no justice. We need Community Control of the Police! Read about our plan at"
09/09/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will create over 30 million new jobs, while restructuring the economy in a more sustainable and egalitarian way. Find out more about our plan at"
09/09/2020 Tweet - "The best way to rebuild economy from the COVID collapse is to invest in our #GreenNewDeal. Combining job creation from building wind, solar and geothermal and doing conservation and sustainable agriculture with #MedicareForAll, affordable housing, guaranteed income. #TaxTheRich"
09/08/2020 Tweet - "Part of the blackout that third party candidates face (up and down the ballot) is exclusion from debates. Voters have a right to hear all their options, not just those from the two corporate parties. #LetHowieDebate #OpenTheDebates Sign the petition at"
09/08/2020 Tweet - "Universal prosperity is a mirage under capitalism: The American Dream. We need an Economic Bill of Rights: 1. A Living-Wage Job 2. An Income Above Poverty 3. Affordable Housing 4. Medicare For All 5. Lifelong Free Public Education 6. Double Social Security Benefits"
09/05/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism Fails. It's killing the planet. Ecosocialism = Economic Democracy We must place workers in control of the means of production to produce within ecological limits."
09/04/2020 Tweet - "We've filed suit against the Wisconsin Elections Commission in the Wisconsin Supreme Court to challenge the party line vote to keep us off the ballot, despite turning in enough verified signatures. Read the release at"
09/04/2020 Tweet - "What I wrote last Labor Day: The next president should harness the energy of working people and build political power for a transformation agenda for working people who have not gotten a real raise in decades. Ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal."
09/03/2020 Release: Howie Hawkins Files Suit Against Election Commission in Wisconsin Supreme Court for Ballot Access
09/03/2020 Tweet - "In this day, in 1916, Congress passed the Adamson Act, the 1st federal law guaranteeing an 8 hr work day in a private industry. The victory was a result of organized labor in the rail industry threatening to strike. A month later, congress acted. Collective action gets the goods."
09/03/2020 Tweet - "Police murders will continue until they work for the community instead of themselves & the local power structures that designed them to keep downscale people, particularly Black people, down and out of upscale communities. Community Control of the Police:"
09/02/2020 Tweet - ""Thousands of voters in Wisconsin signed petitions to put us on the ballot and we are suing to protect their right to have choices beyond the two parties funded by the millionaires and billionaires. " - Howie Hawkins Read the full release at"
09/01/2020 Release: Green Candidates Hawkins and Walker to Sue Wisconsin for Ballot Access
09/01/2020 Tweet - "When I first proposed a #GreenNewDeal for the US in 2010, I knew that getting to zero carbon emissions in 10 years needed to be coupled with a decent standard of living (economic bill of rights) for all. Climate action must focus on system change, taking power back from the 1%."
08/31/2020 Tweet - "Under a capitalist system, we cannot solve the central problems of our time. We need Ecosocialism! We need an #Ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal! It is time for democratic government to be the solution, not the problem. #HawkinsWalker Read about our plan at"
08/31/2020 Tweet - "I called for a ban on fracking in my 2010 campaign for Governor vs. @NYGovCuomo . After I got 5% of the vote in 2014, he quickly reversed his position and banned fracking. Democrats still owned by FF - they won't call for a halt to any new fossil fuel infrastructure. #GreenNewDeal"
08/30/2020 Tweet - "We won't rid policing & the whole criminal justice system of racism until we have a top-to-bottom reorganization that removes the racists and brings in new people who are committed to impartial justice into a new democratic, community controlled system."
08/29/2020 Tweet - "The new nuclear arms race is an existential threat to our survival. We need to be disarming, not modernizing! The future of humanity depends on it!"
08/28/2020 Hawkins/Walker Announce Green Party on The Ballot in Minnesota
08/26/2020 Tweet - "We need a President who will put the needs of average Americans ahead of the greed of the 1%. Who wants to build a world that provides a decent life for all regardless of who they are or where they live. Someone will admits climate change and COVID are real. Vote Green #RNC2020"
08/26/2020 Tweet - "Trump and Pence's mishandling of COVID-19 has contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans as the rest of the world looks on at their buffoonery with disbelief. We need to provide quality health care to all - #MedicareforAll."
08/26/2020 Tweet - "Both Trump and Biden support the continued oppression of Palestinians. We need justice, security and a decent life for all in the Middle East. It is long past time to end the illegal occupation of Palestine and end the violence. #RNC2020"
08/26/2020 Tweet - "Trump continued the effort by Obama to increase the wasteful funding of the Pentagon and to make nuclear weapons a greater threat to world security. I will cut the military budget by at least 75%, and redirect the funds to a #GreenNewDeal, bring out troops home. #RNC2020"
08/26/2020 Tweet - ". @MikePence is confusing my climate agenda with @JoeBiden . I am the one who wants to halt fossil fuels and ban fracking. I want public ownership of our energy system. Zero emissions by 2030. An ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal"

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