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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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12/22/2020 Tweet - "In January, @AlexPadilla4CA will make history as the first Hispanic to represent California in the U.S. Senate. Congratulations, my friend! I look forward to working with you to strengthen our elections, combat COVID-19, and put our nation on a path toward recovery."
12/21/2020 Tweet - ". @SenatorTomUdall has been a champion for New Mexicans in the U.S. Senate and I'm proud call him a friend and mentor. Thank you for your service, Senator."
12/01/2020 Tweet - "It's been a humbling experience serving New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District for the last decade. There are few jobs where you're lucky enough to see the impact of your work on your neighbors and community."
08/24/2020 Tweet - "From our smallest villages to our largest cities, the @USPS is a critical lifeline. On Saturday, I voted to #SaveTheUSPS because I understand how important post offices are to New Mexicans, especially those in rural communities. Closures and mail delays will impact us all."
08/22/2020 Tweet - "Today, I was proud to vote for legislation to #SaveTheUSPS. The Delivering for America Act will reverse the damage President Trump and Postmaster General DeJoy have caused, prevent further attacks on mail service, and ensure the agency is prepared for the 2020 election."
08/22/2020 Tweet - "It's time for Mitch McConnell and the @SenateGOP to follow the House's lead by passing this critical legislation. #DontMessWithUSPS"
08/18/2020 Tweet - "House Democrats will be voting on legislation to prohibit these ill-intentioned changes and provide $25 billion in emergency funding to ensure @USPS can continue serving the American people effectively and efficiently during the COVID-19 pandemic."
08/06/2020 Tweet - "55 years ago today, the #VotingRightsAct was signed into law -- an important step in fighting racial discrimination at the polls. Today, @HouseDemocrats are continuing to fight #ForThePeople and ensure every American's voice is heard in our elections."
07/28/2020 Tweet - "The Senate GOP coronavirus relief proposal falls short for the American people and fails to provide much-needed support for local governments to keep employees on the payroll and continue essential services. Mitch McConnell's solution for local governments: Go bankrupt."
07/27/2020 Tweet - "The $600 dollar enhanced unemployment benefit has been a lifeline. It has allowed families to keep a roof over their heads, feed their children, and pay their bills. Slashing this benefit by two-thirds unfairly punishes Americans who lost their jobs through no fault of their own."
07/22/2020 Tweet - "Big news: The House just passed the Great American Outdoors Act -- landmark legislation to fully #FundLWCF and restore our National Park System. I'm proud of our work to protect our cherished public lands for New Mexicans to enjoy & boost our outdoor economy."
07/22/2020 Tweet - "We are a nation made stronger by our diverse histories and cultures. President Trump's hateful Muslim and African Ban hasn't made us any safer -- it's an abuse of power that must be reined in. That's why I voted to pass the #NoBanAct because hate has no place in our country."
07/21/2020 Tweet - "More than 30 million workers depend on the enhanced unemployment benefits provided by the CARES Act. That's why @HouseDemocrats included an extension in the #HeroesAct, but it's been sitting on @senatemajldr's desk for more than two months. Pass the Heroes Act, @senatemajldr."
07/20/2020 Tweet - "I just joined @RepBenMcAdams in standing up to the Trump administration and voting to block funding for new nuclear testing. America has not tested a nuclear weapon since 1992, and there's no scientific reason to resume explosive nuclear testing today."
07/18/2020 Tweet - "America lost a national treasure tonight with the passing of @RepJohnLewis. He was the Conscience of the Congress, a man who spent his life fighting for justice, and inspired and motivated generations to 'get into good trouble.'"
06/26/2020 Lujan Statement on Passage of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
06/25/2020 Tweet - "I've heard the call from millions of Americans demanding action to address systemic racism and police violence against Black Americans. Today, I was proud to vote for the #JusticeInPolicing Act to help bring justice to George Floyd and other victims of police brutality."
06/24/2020 Tweet - "Rather than providing additional relief for families struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mitch McConnell is packing the courts with extreme right-wing judges. It's time for the Senate GOP to get back to work for the American people."
06/18/2020 Tweet - "My bill, the Expanding Capacity for Health Outcomes Act, establishes a federal grant program to support tele-mentoring programs like those developed by @ProjectECHO. Our rural and underserved communities deserve the best health care America has to offer."
06/18/2020 Tweet - ". @HouseDemocrats passed the #EqualityAct over a year ago, but the fight for LGBTQ+ equality is far from over. It's time for Senate Republicans to get to work and pass this legislation to ensure fairness and equality for all Americans -- regardless of who they are or who they love."
04/27/2020 Tweet - "We need to get much more aid to local, state and tribal governments as soon as possible. McConnell's plan = cuts for first responders, schools, and other critical services."
01/22/2020 Tweet - "Putin is above the law in Russia. Erdogan is above the law in Turkey. Kim Jong-un Is above the law in North Korea. But in America the Constitution is sacredly obligatory upon all. The President must be held accountable for his corrupt #AbuseOfPower."
01/07/2020 Tweet - "This week, Congress will act to limit the president's military actions against Iran and assert Congress' oversight responsibilities to keep Americans safe. We cannot allow the president's reckless behavior to put our country at risk or lead us to war."
01/04/2020 Tweet - "In 2019, the House of Representatives passed more than 400 bills that will transform the lives of the American people -- including 275 that were bipartisan. It's time that Senator Mitch McConnell get to work and bring these pieces of legislation for a vote."
12/26/2019 Tweet - "Saddened to hear of the passing of state Rep. Bill Pratt who served New Mexicans honorably as a surgeon and state legislator. My condolences are with his family, friends, and colleagues as they honor his memory."

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