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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
08/06/2020 Tweet - "55 years ago today, the #VotingRightsAct was signed into law -- an important step in fighting racial discrimination at the polls. Today, @HouseDemocrats are continuing to fight #ForThePeople and ensure every American's voice is heard in our elections."
06/19/2020 Tweet - "As we commemorate #Juneteenth and the end of slavery in the United States, we must also recognize that the fight for justice and equality continues. Black Americans still experience racism and oppression, and we must recommit ourselves to fighting for a more just future for all."
03/31/2020 Tweet - "For every $1 a man makes, a woman makes 81 cents. For black women, it's 62 cents; for Native American women, it's 57 cents; for Asian American and Pacific Islander women it's 92 cents; and for Latina women it's 54 cents. It's unacceptable."
03/13/2020 Tweet - "Racism and xenophobia never have a place in our communities. As we respond to this public health crisis, we must remember that we are all in this together. Acts of racism or scapegoating against Asian American communities will always be unacceptable."
03/01/2020 Tweet - "National Women's History Month is a time to not only celebrate the contributions of women today and throughout history, but to also recognize the enormous amount of work that still needs to be done to ensure equality and just for every woman."
02/24/2020 Tweet - "Katherine Johnson spent her life breaking down barriers for African Americans and women, and accomplishing what was once impossible: Putting humankind on the moon. Our world will miss Katherine, but we'll never forget her impact and legacy."
02/18/2020 Tweet - "Voter disenfranchisement is an injustice that weakens our democracy. It's why I'm fighting to pass the Native American Voting Rights Act to eliminate systemic barriers and expand voting access so all communities can be heard."
02/11/2020 Tweet - "Equal access to voting is a fundamental right -- and we must take action to combat states' effort to restrict Native voting rights by addressing barriers and injustices."
01/16/2020 Tweet - "Remember their names. Roxsana Hernandez Rodriguez Johana Medina León ICE's negligence led to their deaths. It's time to put an end to transgender migrant detention if ICE remains unable to provide humane and quality care."
01/15/2020 Tweet - "Transgender immigrants in ICE custody are subjected to violence and sexual assault at disproportionately high rates and are often denied quality care. This negligence has led to the death of two women in ICE custody, including Roxsana Hernandez Rodriguez in New Mexico."
12/05/2019 Tweet - "Sixty-four years ago, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a public bus. Less than a week later, the Montgomery Bus Boycott began. Change takes courage."
12/05/2019 Tweet - "Major Victory: @HouseDemocrats just passed legislation to restore the full power of the #VRA & help put an end to voter suppression. Our democracy works best when we all participate -- & I'm proud to have supported & voted for this critical legislation to #RestoreTheVote."
11/27/2019 Tweet - "During #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth, we affirm our appreciation for the diversity of cultures and histories of American Indians and Alaskan Natives. We must always combat the legacy of racism that continues to impact our country's original inhabitants today."
11/20/2019 Tweet - "More than 22 trans individuals have been killed this year. Black women are disproportionately targeted - with 91% of these murders perpetrated against black women. This Transgender Day of Remembrance, I'm remembering these women & fighting for change."
10/29/2019 Tweet - "Improving. That's how I described diversity and representation in Congress today. We have the largest @HispanicCaucus and @TheBlackCaucus in history but have an obligation do more to make sure Congress looks like the America it serves."
10/29/2019 Tweet - "People of color are familiar w/ the experience of being told to go back from where they came. When @realDonaldTrump says that about duly-elected Members, we know it comes from a place of hate. It also opens wounds for those of us who've heard it before. #TheHillDiversityMatters"
10/29/2019 Tweet - "Injustices in our society have continued because the voices of those speaking up for justice have not been amplified & often have been shut down. It's time for that to change. It's time to stand up, speak up. And demand action from your representatives. #TheHillDiversityMatters"
10/15/2019 Tweet - "BREAKING: A federal court just gutted civil rights protections for transgender Americans and abortion patients -- a dangerous ruling that effectively discriminates against Americans seeking health care. There should be no room in our country for this type of discrimination."
10/04/2019 Tweet - "The right to vote is sacred and incredibly important to maintaining our Democracy. But far too often, Native Americans face barriers when looking to vote. This is discrimination -- pure & simple, and it's time to boldly ensure that every elgible American can access the ballot box."
08/26/2019 Tweet - "But it is not enough to just celebrate this day or give thanks to the suffragettes. We must follow their examples by demanding action on the: Voting Rights Advancement Act Native American Voting Rights Act Paycheck Fairness Act Violence Against Women Act"
07/19/2019 Tweet - "On this day in 1848, the Women's Rights Movement was born at the Seneca Falls Convention. Women across the country rose up to combat injustices. The struggle isn't over today. Every day, women are denied access to health care, equal pay for equal work, & freedom from violence."
06/25/2019 Tweet - "It's been 6 years since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act -- opening the door to discriminatory practices that we've seen limit access to the ballot box across the country. Let's call these efforts what they are: deliberate efforts to block people of color from voting"