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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

Date Title
07/28/2020 Tweet - "The Senate GOP coronavirus relief proposal falls short for the American people and fails to provide much-needed support for local governments to keep employees on the payroll and continue essential services. Mitch McConnell's solution for local governments: Go bankrupt."
07/06/2020 Tweet - "Important news: The PPP application deadline has been extended to August 8. This crucial program still has $130 billion remaining to help businesses weather this pandemic. Don't wait -- get your application in now to apply for a forgivable loan."
06/08/2020 Tweet - "Small businesses need our support to weather this pandemic & keep workers on the payroll. That's why I voted for the PPP Flexibility Act to give businesses greater flexibility to use PPP loans, extend the forgiveness period, and increase the amount that can be spent on expenses."
05/22/2020 Tweet - "Our communities depend on our first responders and local government employees for essential services -- the last thing we need is for them to be laid off. That's why I voted for the #HeroesAct and helped secure nearly $1 trillion for local, state, and Tribal governments."
05/15/2020 Tweet - "Just voted for the #HeroesAct -- vital legislation to support New Mexico workers and provide needed aid to local, state, & Tribal governments. COVID-19 isn't taking a pause. That's why @HouseDemocrats brought forward this legislation today."
05/15/2020 Tweet - "Inaction in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic will cost lives and hamper our economic recovery -- and it's exactly why the House passed the #HeroesAct to support workers, bolster testing, and provide aid to local, state, and Tribal governments."
05/08/2020 Tweet - "Our nation is experiencing the highest rate of unemployment since the Great Depression. This urgent crisis requires bold action from the federal government to support working families and small businesses through this crisis and set us on a path toward economic recovery."
04/02/2020 Tweet - "The coronavirus doesn't discriminate - neither should our relief response. Small communities and local governments must have equal access to stimulus and economic relief funds as they combat this public health crisis."
04/02/2020 Tweet - "Working individuals and families are most vulnerable to the economic impacts of COVID-19, and these individuals need economic support to help ensure food is kept on the table, rent and mortgage payments are made, and the lights stay on."
03/28/2020 Tweet - "Direct payments to families will bring relief to those most impacted by COVID-19 but I know that working Americans need Congress to go further to secure economic stability. Thanks to @VictorBlackwell & @CNN for having me on to discuss what more must be done to combat the crisis."