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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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12/23/2020 Tweet - "This veto cements President Trump's legacy as a president who consistently put his personal grievances ahead of the good of the American people. I will join my bipartisan colleagues to override this veto."
12/22/2020 Tweet - "Students have been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic. They need an experienced Secretary of Education committed to their success. @JoeBiden has made a strong and historic choice in Dr. Cardona, & I look forward to working with him to support students, families, and educators."
12/17/2020 Tweet - "I congratulate our good friend Deb Haaland on this historic nomination, and I look forward to continuing to work with her in this new role!"
12/17/2020 Tweet - "By picking @RepDebHaaland as his Interior Secretary, President-elect @JoeBiden is making a strong and historic nomination. Congresswoman Haaland has a proven record of standing up for our public lands & fighting to ensure that America keeps its commitments."
07/28/2020 Tweet - "Today, the Trump Administration is openly defying #SCOTUS by refusing to accept new #DACA applications. President Trump calls himself the "law and order" president but refuses to follow the highest law in the land."
05/05/2020 Tweet - "It is the height of recklessness that the Trump administration is considering shutting down the White House Coronavirus Task Force as COVID-19 deaths and positive cases continue to rise."
04/19/2020 Tweet - "100 percent agree. The Trump administration should fully invoke the Defense Production Act to meet our needs for PPE and other critical supplies."
04/17/2020 Tweet - "The Administration has done too little to help the smallest and most vulnerable businesses -- we absolutely need more money for SBA but also need new rules to ensure that it follows need, not just existing relationships with big banks. via @nypost"
04/15/2020 Tweet - "We're in the middle of a global pandemic. The president's decision to halt funding to the World Health Organization puts lives at risk and undercuts the global effort to combat COVID-19. Americans deserve better."
04/10/2020 Tweet - "President Trump promised in early March that every American could get a COVID-19 test. Now with nearly half a million positive cases, he's telling us he's backing away from that commitment. Where are the tests, Mr. President?"
04/08/2020 Tweet - "Mail-in voting can save lives during COVID-19 & ensure that Americans' voices are heard. President Trump's admission that he's opposed to mail-in ballots for political reasons shows the truth: Republicans don't want you to vote. Lives are stake - but Trump doesn't seem to care."
03/23/2020 Tweet - "We're in the midst of a global health pandemic and what is the Trump administration doing? Suing to steal health care from millions of Americans."
02/04/2020 Tweet - "There is nothing pro-family about stopping sick kids from seeing a doctor. There is nothing pro-family about slashing funding that keeps kids from going to school hungry."
02/04/2020 Tweet - "Let's be clear: President Trump's military actions in Iran led us to the brink of war and put our service members at risk. It's why the House passed a bipartisan War Powers Resolution to reverse President Trump's recklessness. #SOTU"
02/01/2020 Tweet - "The Trump administration's travel ban will not make our nation any safer -- it only sends a message that President Trump has abandoned American values -- again. "
01/22/2020 Tweet - "Putin is above the law in Russia. Erdogan is above the law in Turkey. Kim Jong-un Is above the law in North Korea. But in America the Constitution is sacredly obligatory upon all. The President must be held accountable for his corrupt #AbuseOfPower."
01/07/2020 Tweet - "This week, Congress will act to limit the president's military actions against Iran and assert Congress' oversight responsibilities to keep Americans safe. We cannot allow the president's reckless behavior to put our country at risk or lead us to war."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "Joining @MSNBC and @ChrisJansing to discuss the historic vote the House of Representatives took last night to hold President Trump accountable for his abuse of power and obstruction."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "Mr. President, you'll never measure up to the late Congressman Dingell or to @RepDebDingell. The Dingell family has always put our country first and has delivered for families in Michigan. Shame on you for your callousness."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "The facts are clear -- and the House of Representatives acted with courage to fulfill our constitutional duty to hold President Trump accountable for abusing the power of his office and obstructing Congress."
12/05/2019 Tweet - "Since its very first days, the Trump administration has treated Puerto Rico with disregard and contempt -- actively looking to stop their recovery after an unprecedented hurricane close to leveled the island."
12/05/2019 Tweet - "Lights remain off. Jobs never returned. And President Trump continues to stand in the way of Puerto Rico by illegally withholding critical recovery aid. It's un-American. And this administration's damage must be stopped."
11/22/2019 Tweet - "After a week of testimony from firsthand witnesses, we know the facts: President Trump directed a scheme to strong arm Ukraine for his political purposes. That's extortion. And everyone in the White House knew."
11/15/2019 Tweet - "President Trump abused his power to advance his self-interest over our nation's interest. Americans deserve to know the truth, and the public can watch Ambassador Yovanovitch testify about her efforts to stop the Trump administration's corruption "
11/15/2019 Tweet - "With record-setting hate crimes against Latinos, we have an obligation to call out white nationalism and racism wherever it exists. That includes in @realdonaldTrump's White House. Stephen Miller must be fired."

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