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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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01/18/2021 Tweet - "Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a giant of the Civil Rights Movement who called on our Nation to live up to the highest ideals of our founding. We pay tribute to the incredible life & accomplishments of Dr. King & his memory will inspire us for generations to come."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "For months, all Joe Biden talked about was peaceful protesters, as the American people watched businesses and communities in our major cities burn."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "From day one, this President has stood strong for the first freedom of every American--religious freedom. President @realDonaldTrump believes freedom of speech shouldn't end at the front door of our churches and houses of worship, so he stopped enforcing the Johnson Amendment!"
05/04/2020 Tweet - "We cannot experience an American Comeback if we stand idly by while the rights of the men and women of this great Country are infringed. Thank you the @TheJusticeDept for acting quickly to protect prayer and worship during these unprecedented times."
01/23/2020 Tweet - "We must confront & expose the rising tide of vile anti-Semitism fueling hate & violence across the world & stand united against the one government that denies the Holocaust as a matter of state policy & threatens to wipe Israel off the map: the Islamic Republic of Iran."
10/22/2019 Tweet - "President @realDonaldTrump and our administration have stood strong for our Constitution, as written. And that includes our first freedom. We will ALWAYS defend the freedom of religion of every American, of every faith, so help us God!"
09/23/2019 Tweet - "The threats to religious freedom and attacks on people of faith underscore why President @realDonaldTrump has taken such decisive action to build and promote our nation's proud tradition of advancing religious freedom."
06/19/2019 Tweet - "On this day in 1865 Major General Gordon Granger declared the end of the Civil War. As a Nation, we will never forget the millions of African Americans who suffered the evils of slavery and we honor the truth declared by our Founding Fathers, that all people are created equal."
05/11/2019 Tweet - "Our Administration has been upholding the Constitution & defending all the God-given liberties enshrined there by appointing strong conservatives to our courts at every level. We are standing strong for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the unalienable right to life!"
03/29/2019 Tweet - "More than 80% of the world's population live in societies that restrict religious liberty. This Administration stands strong for religious freedom, and will continue to call out nations around the world that persecute people because of their faith. @EWTNews"
03/28/2019 Tweet - "Great to speak about religious liberty today to young leaders at @AveMariaUniv. I'm proud to say that, since day one of our administration, @POTUS has taken bold action to protect the religious liberty & conscience rights of every American of every faith tradition."
03/06/2019 Tweet - "Anti-semitism has no place in the US Congress. As @vp and as co-founder, with the late Rep. Tom Lantos, of the Congressional Anti-Semitism Taskforce , I call on @SpeakerPelosi & House Democrats to immediately pass a resolution condemning Anti-Semitism in all its forms. It's time."
02/12/2019 Tweet - ".@IlhanMN tweets were a disgrace & her apology was inadequate. Anti-Semitism has no place in the United States Congress, much less the Foreign Affairs Committee. Those who engage in anti-Semitic tropes should not just be denounced, they should face consequences for their words."
01/21/2019 Tweet - "Today, we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a great American leader whose faith & courage moved our Nation toward a more perfect union. Dr. King inspired a movement that changed the course of American history & his example inspires us still today. #MLKDay"
10/08/2018 Tweet - "Deeply troubled to hear reports about Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi. If true, this is a tragic day. Violence against journalists across the globe is a threat to freedom of the press & human rights. The free world deserves answers."
08/27/2018 Tweet - "Honored to join @POTUS & @FLOTUS tonight at the @WhiteHouse to celebrate strong and inspiring evangelical leadership. This administration stands for protecting religious liberty for all & is grateful to faith leaders for their tireless service to their neighbors & communities."
07/26/2018 Tweet - "Today, more than 90 leaders from across the globe will meet at the @StateDept to discuss religious freedom. I'm honored to keynote the first-ever #IRFMinisterial. We are committed to protecting the freedom of religion across the world. Watch at 10 AM ET:"
07/20/2018 Tweet - "The freedom of religion is under assault across the wider world. That's why @POTUS Trump & our administration are fighting every day for this fundamental right. #IRFministerial is an important event & I'm looking forward to it."
07/18/2018 Tweet - "State-sponsored violence against peaceful students, church leaders, journalists & civic leaders in #Nicaragua cannot be tolerated. We urge @OAS_official to condemn these human rights abuses today. Ortega's repression MUST END & the will of the people MUST BE HEARD. #SOSNicaragua"
06/19/2018 Tweet - "Today the U.S. took a stand against some of the world's worst human rights violators by withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council. My full statement:"
06/14/2018 Tweet - "The true strength of this country doesn't come just from our economy, it can't only be measured only by our material well-being. America's strength ultimately comes from the foundation of values that strengthen our communities. It springs from our faith, enabled by our freedoms."
05/04/2018 Tweet - ".@POTUS Donald Trump and I will ALWAYS stand for the right to keep and bear arms. #NRAAM"
05/04/2018 Tweet - "GREAT crowd at the @NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas. As I made clear, our 2nd Amendment is a shield for the rights of every American & it's a shield for the most vulnerable. It's the great equalizer that gives every American the power to DEFEND themselves & their families. #NRAAM"
05/04/2018 Tweet - ".@POTUS Trump and I both stand without apology for the Second Amendment -- and in this administration, the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be infringed! #NRAAM"
02/28/2018 Tweet - "At the @NRBconvention in Nashville yesterday, I made clear that the Trump Administration will continue to strive until we restore the sanctity of LIFE to the center of American law & we'll continue to work to defend the fundamental freedoms of SPEECH & RELIGION."

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