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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Science

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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Date Title
08/02/2020 Tweet - "Welcome home, @AstroBehnken and @Astro_Doug ! Congratulations on a successful and historic mission to the @Space_Station . Thanks to your service, the United States has ushered in a new era of human space exploration!"
07/20/2020 Tweet - "With new direction and support from President @realDonaldTrump , @NASA has pressed ahead with testing the Orion spacecraft, and the Space Launch System rocket is currently undergoing its Green Run test to prepare for the first Artemis mission."
05/30/2020 Tweet - "Historic Day for America. American Astronauts on an American Rocket launched into space from American Soil for the first time in nearly a decade. Flag of United States"
10/18/2019 Tweet - "Congratulations to @NASA astronauts and American pioneers @Astro_Christina and @Astro_Jessica for completing a historic first all-female spacewalk from @Space_Station! We are proud of you and the whole Space Station team as we move forward to the Moon and Mars!"
08/23/2019 Tweet - "It was an honor to chair the 6th meeting of the National Space Council this week. The US was the first nation to reach the Moon & we will be the first nation in history to plant our flag & leave our footprints in the red sands of Mars! America will lead in space once again!"
08/20/2019 Tweet - "The American people are ready for the next chapter in our nation's history in space. We've put an end to decades of budget cuts and decline--and we've renewed America's commitment to human exploration, vowing to go further into space, faster than ever before!"
05/14/2019 Tweet - "50 years ago the United States was the first nation to walk on the lunar surface. Thanks to the leadership of @POTUS, America is going back to the Moon in 5 years! The first woman and next man on the Moon will be Americans, and this time we'll be there to stay!"
05/03/2019 Tweet - "On this 2019 Space Day, we celebrate the extraordinary American achievements in space of the past & @NASA's plan to put the first woman and the next man on the Moon in 5 years! Under @Potus Trump, America is leading in Space Again! #SpaceDay"
04/12/2019 Tweet - "Congratulations to Israel on the 1st privately financed lunar orbit & attempted Moon landing of @TeamSpaceIL's Beresheet. Our countries' long partnership on Earth extends to space & Israel will be a key collaborator as America returns to the Moon, then explores to Mars & beyond."
04/01/2019 Tweet ".@POTUS' plan for American astronauts to return to the moon in five years is a goal worthy of America"
03/26/2019 Tweet - "As @POTUS has made clear: the policy of this administration is for the U.S. to return American astronauts to the Moon within the next 5 years! The first woman & the next man on the Moon will both be American astronauts, launched by American rockets, from American soil!"
03/26/2019 Tweet - "It is the stated policy of this administration for the United States to return American astronauts to the Moon within the next 5 years. The first woman & the next man on the Moon will both be American astronauts, launched by American rockets, from American soil!"
03/26/2019 Tweet - "50 years ago, "one small step for man" became "one giant leap for mankind" -- and now we must make the next "giant leap" and return American astronauts to the Moon, establish a permanent presence there, & develop the technologies to take American astronauts to Mars & beyond."
03/26/2019 Tweet - "Great to be at @RocketCenterUSA for a critical meeting on the future of human exploration of space! We are going to send American astronauts back to the moon & beyond! Watch the 5the meeting of the National Space Council LIVE: "
03/20/2019 Tweet - "America is leading once again in space. On 3/26, the National Space Council will meet at @RocketCenterUSA to discuss the future of human space exploration. We'll return Americans to moon, put astronauts on Mars, & carry America's commitment to freedom into this new frontier."
03/02/2019 Tweet - "Under @POTUS' leadership, we are leading in space again. Congrats to @NASA & @SpaceX for today's successful launch of the #CrewDragon spacecraft -- taking us one step closer to launching American astronauts to space from American soil on American-made rockets. #LaunchAmerica"
02/28/2019 Tweet - "Last year, @POTUS boldly directed @NASA to return to the Moon to stay. Today Canada has joined as our first international partner in this endeavor. This collaboration is a great step on our way back to the Moon, then on to Mars & beyond."
12/18/2018 Tweet - "Incredible opportunity to see @SpaceX's Dragon 2 Capsule - an important part of the future of American human space exploration as we aim to return American astronauts to space on U.S. rockets from U.S. soil!"
12/18/2018 Tweet - "Today, @POTUS Trump will direct the @DeptofDefense to establish a Combatant Command that will oversee all of our military activities in space. This Space Command will be the 11th Combatant Command in the U.S. military."
12/13/2018 Tweet - "Congrats @virgingalactic for sending your first astronauts to space today aboard SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity -- the 1st crewed flight to launch from US soil in over 7 years! Under @POTUS and w/ our commercial partners, we are restoring America's proud legacy of leadership in space!"
12/12/2018 Tweet - "Announced at @NASA today that next Tuesday I'll head to "The World's Premier Gateway to Space" at Cape Canaveral to watch @SpaceX launch the first @LockheedMartin GPS III satellite - an important step forward as we seek to secure American leadership in space."
12/12/2018 Tweet - "Great discussion w/ @JimBridenstine & honored to meet so many hardworking members of the @NASA team. @POTUS & I are grateful for their work to implement our renewed commitment to American leadership in space and human space exploration to return to the Moon & then to Mars."
12/03/2018 Tweet - "Successful launch for American Anne McClain @AstroAnnimal & her #Exp58 crewmates! They made it safely to @Space_Station! Grateful for all at @NASA & their counterparts who worked to make today's launch a success."
11/26/2018 Tweet - "Congratulations to @NASA, @LockheedMartin, @ulalaunch, & all who made today's @NASAInSight #MarsLanding possible! This marks the 8th time the US has landed on Mars & the 1st mission to study its deep interior. Incredible milestone!"
11/20/2018 Tweet - ".@Space_Station has led to a continuous human presence in low-Earth orbit, conducted groundbreaking research, spurred collaboration w/ int'l & commercial partners, & paved the way for what comes next. Grateful to all who've made it possible. Happy Birthday ISS! #SpaceStation20th"

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