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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Women

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

Date Title
11/12/2019 Tweet - "If you are pro-life, you are pro-adoption, and our Administration will ALWAYS defend the sanctity of human life at every stage and in every circumstance!"
10/18/2019 Tweet - "Congratulations to @NASA astronauts and American pioneers @Astro_Christina and @Astro_Jessica for completing a historic first all-female spacewalk from @Space_Station! We are proud of you and the whole Space Station team as we move forward to the Moon and Mars!"
08/20/2019 Tweet - "Planned Parenthood's withdrawal from Title X shows it will always choose abortion over health care for vulnerable women. Taxpayer dollars should never go to an org that recklessly disregards the sanctity of life. Under President @realDonaldTrump Life is Winning in America Again!"
06/18/2019 Tweet - "Proud to be part of an Administration that protects the sanctity of life. From the Mexico City policy, to nominating pro life judges, to ending taxpayer funding of fetal tissue research, the Trump Administration will fight for the most innocent and vulnerable among us."
05/28/2019 Tweet - "As Governor of IN I was proud to sign a law that requires remains of aborted babies be treated w/dignity & respect and blocks groups like Planned Parenthood from the horrific practice of selling fetal tissue. Today's decision by the Supreme Court was a victory for life!"
05/04/2019 Tweet - "As Democrat Governors in NY & VA advocate for late term abortion & even infanticide - & Democrats in Congress refuse to allow a vote on the Born-Alive bill - TODAY in Times Square an ultrasound will be shown for all to see, demonstrating the miracle of life. #AliveFromNewYork"
03/29/2019 Tweet - "Despite desperate efforts of some Democrats to allow late term abortion and even infanticide, life is winning in America and more and more Americans -- particularly young Americans -- are embracing the Sanctity of life."
03/08/2019 Tweet - "On #InternationalWomensDay, we celebrate the extraordinary achievements of women across the globe in all disciplines from science, to tech, to education, to the arts, to government, to our military. Our nation & economy thrives when women succeed."
02/26/2019 Tweet - "To see Senate Democrats vote against legal protection for born-alive infants is a disgrace. Thank you to @SenSasse and every member of the Senate who voted against infanticide and for the protection of life. #BornAliveAct"
01/18/2019 Tweet - "Great to be with @SecondLady to welcome so many Americans to our Nation's capital for the largest pro-life gathering in the US -- the 46th annual @March_For_Life! From the first day of this admin, @POTUS has taken action to defend the sanctity of LIFE. Great to see everyone!"
01/18/2019 Tweet - "Spoke w/ @BenShapiro & all his listeners at @March_For_Life about how @POTUS has been STANDING for LIFE. We've reinstated the Mexico City Policy, allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood & nominated judges who will uphold our God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution."
01/18/2019 Tweet - "Honored to speak at the @March_for_Life. @POTUS Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. But we know we still have much work to do. So we urge you to stand strong, and stand with that love and compassion as you STAND for LIFE."
01/18/2019 Tweet - "Today, because of everyone gathered at the @March_for_Life, all those they represent, and all who have gone before, life is WINNING in America once again."
01/18/2019 Tweet - "Great honor to speak at tonight's March for Life Rose Dinner. Under @POTUS Trump, this is a pro-life administration -- and across the board, we have kept our promise to stand without apology for the sanctity of human life!"
06/14/2018 Tweet - "And I couldn't be more proud to serve with a President who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life -- and after the first year-and-a-half of this administration, one thing is clear: @POTUS Trump is the most pro-life President in American history!"
03/08/2018 Tweet - "Today, on #InternationalWomensDay - and ALL days - we recognize the countless contributions women have made to our economy, our communities, & our Nation. The Trump Admin will continue to strive to empower women across America to keep making a profound impact."
02/28/2018 Tweet - "At the @NRBconvention in Nashville yesterday, I made clear that the Trump Administration will continue to strive until we restore the sanctity of LIFE to the center of American law & we'll continue to work to defend the fundamental freedoms of SPEECH & RELIGION."
02/27/2018 Tweet - "Spoke at the @SBAList luncheon about how the Trump Admin has been keeping its word to STAND FOR the sanctity of HUMAN LIFE. We've reinstated the Mexico City Policy, allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood & @POTUS addressed this year's March for Life from the @WhiteHouse."
01/29/2018 Tweet - "I am disappointed that tonight, 46 Senators voted against a motion that would have respected the majority of Americans' convictions- including those of @POTUS Trump- by refusing to advance a bill that would restrict abortions on babies when they are capable of feeling pain."
01/19/2018 Tweet - "Today @march_for_life will with one voice call on the United States to rededicate itself to the most fundamental right enshrined in our Declaration of Independence -- the unalienable right to life. #whywemarch #MarchforLife Read my op-ed in the @NRO:"
01/18/2018 Tweet - "Life is winning again in America, and under the Trump Administration, we have reinstated the Mexico City Policy, allowed states to defund Planned Parenthood, & tomorrow @POTUS will be the first President in American history to address the @March_For_Life."