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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

Date Title
10/26/2019 Tweet - "Since the start of our Admin, fighting the opioid epidemic in America has been a top priority of President @realDonaldTrump. Today on #TakeBackDay there are over 4,000 locations to dispose of unused or expired prescription medication. Find a location:"
07/11/2019 Tweet - "The drugs that are brought across our border bring billions in healthcare expenses, crime & the loss of thousands of Americans lives. The challenges & threats the @USCG face underscore why President @realDonaldTrump & our administration are determined to SECURE our border!"
06/18/2019 Tweet - "We are committed to fighting the opioid epidemic sweeping our nation. This crisis has been declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency and the Trump Administration will continue to support those suffering from the grip of addiction."
06/12/2019 Tweet - "It was a very productive day in Montana, from RiverStone Health Clinic to Willow Way, thank you for stepping up each day to confront the crisis of drug abuse in our country. We will not rest until we secure our border and stop the flow of illegal drugs into American communities!"
06/12/2019 Tweet - "The drugs flowing over our southern border are resulting in addiction & substance abuse that is tearing rural communities apart. Honored to visit RiverStone Health Clinic to discuss ways our administration can help states like Montana support the recovery of our fellow Americans."
06/12/2019 Tweet - "President @realDonaldTrump made the opioid crisis a primary focus of his administration. Today, I am in Montana to further our support of those recovering from opioid abuse and to meet with groups who specialize in substance abuse and drug trafficking."
04/05/2019 Tweet - "Briefed today by @ICEgov Houston officials on the threats they face every day. @POTUS, @ICEgov and @CBP are doing their jobs - it's time for Congress to do its job & close the loopholes that criminals, cartels, & human traffickers exploit."
03/06/2019 Tweet - "Each day the border remains unsecured, we allow the crisis to worsen and lives to be endangered. Drug cartels are the main drug source for street gangs and deals across the US. Overdose is the main cause of death for young adults."
03/05/2019 Tweet - "Thank you, @DEAPhoenixDiv & @DougDucey for working everyday to keep deadly drugs out of American communities. @POTUS is committed to securing our border & stopping the flow of illicit drugs. Any vote against @POTUS' National Emergency is a vote against border security."
02/08/2019 Tweet - "Honored to meet w/ @CBP & @DHSgov at CBP's facilities at the Port of Baltimore. Under @POTUS, we're going to continue to fight to give them the resources they need to accomplish their mission & we will confront illegal drugs & all of its consequences as never before."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Spoke w/ law enforcement & leaders of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program. Nowhere is the crisis of illegal drug trafficking more evident, or our challenge more profound, than at our Southern Border. Under @POTUS' leadership, we will end the scourge of illegal drugs."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "More than 200 people lose their lives to drug overdose every single day. We honor them by remembering them -- but we also honor them by redoubling our commitment to secure our border & bring justice to those who would profit from their suffering."
01/31/2019 Tweet - "Received a briefing from leadership at @DEAHQ. The jobs of the men & women at DEA are as difficult and dangerous today as ever before largely driven by the crisis on our southern border, fueling the very criminal syndicates and drug traffickers that they are dedicated to fight."
04/28/2018 Tweet - "Participate in #TakeBackDay and help to protect our families and communities from abused prescription drugs. @POTUS Trump's Admin is committed to doing whatever it takes to make this the generation that ends the opiate epidemic in America."
03/22/2018 Tweet - "The Trump Admin is committed to ENDING the opioid crisis. We're going to: (Special Character) Reduce drug demand by preventing Americans from becoming addicted in the first place (Special Character) Reduce the supply of illicit drugs (Special Character) Make sure to get lifesaving help to those who need it"
01/11/2018 Tweet - "Important, life-saving legislation that will help keep our communities safe & save American lives. Honored to have joined @POTUS & a bipartisan group of legislators yesterday as this admin took action to help put an end to the flow of drugs into our country. #InterdictAct"