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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
09/18/2020 Howie Hawkins Calls for A Federal Financial Transaction Tax
08/23/2020 Hawkins Releases 12 Years of Tax Returns and Asks, Where Are Trump's?
08/10/2020 Release -- Howie Hawkins: Use Stock Transfer Tax to Close State Deficit
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Tax Justice
10/30/2014 Register-Star - Green Party Candidate for Governor Makes Stop in Hudson
10/29/2014 Hawkins Opposes Cuomo's Attack on Schools - "Education Is Not a Game"
10/26/2014 At Manhattan Campaign Rally and Fundraiser Hawkins Says After Election Cuomo Will Give Green Light to Fracking. Says We Must Do More to End Poverty, Income Inequality
10/23/2014 Mudflats - NY's Howie Hawkins -- Candidate for Governor
10/20/2014 Hawkins Releases Tax Returns: Has More In Common with New Yorkers than Cuomo and Astorino
10/18/2014 LoHud - Reisman: Hawkins Says Andy, Rob Are Both Just GOP
10/15/2014 Building a Sustainable Long Island
10/10/2014 Capital New York - "Last Progressive Standing'
10/08/2014 Albany Times Union - Hawkins Wants Three Debates
10/07/2014 Time Warner Cable News - Two Republican County Executives Endorse Gov. Cuomo
10/07/2014 CNY Central - Hawkins and Jones Call for Increased State Funding for Schools
10/07/2014 Hawkins and Jones Call for Increased State Funding for Schools, Smaller Class Sizes and Support for Teachers
10/06/2014 New York Environment Report - Howie Hawkins & Green Party Challenge to Cuomo: We Need a "Green New Deal"
10/06/2014 Syracuse - Howie Hawkins, Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate, Meets the Editorial Board
10/03/2014 Budget Letter Shows Cuomo Will Continue Austerity for 99%, More Wealth for 1%
10/03/2014 Utica Observer-Dispatch - Hawkins Touts His Green New Deal Plan for State
10/01/2014 Hawkins Wants Tax Cuts for 95%, Not Astorino's Tax Cuts for the Rich
09/29/2014 Evening Tribune - Hawkins Brings Green Dream to Alfred
09/26/2014 Herkimer Telegram - Green Gov Candidate: I'm Only Progressive Running
09/22/2014 Hawkins Floods Wall Street
09/21/2014 Watertown Daily Times - Hawkins: Stop Fracking, Promote Clean Energy, Adjust the State Tax Rates

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