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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

Date Title
11/02/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will deliver 100% clean energy by 2030, create millions of new jobs, and implement an Economic Bill of Rights that will end poverty and homelessness and provide #MedicareForAll! Read about our #GreenNewDeal budget at"
10/25/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal delivers 100% clean energy, an economic bill of rights, and creates 38 million new jobs. Learn more about our proposal at"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "At my inauguration, I will say we will put the well-being of the 99% ahead of the greed of the 1%. We will implement the Economic Bill of Rights that FDR announced in his last State of the Union while moving quickly on climate action. #Debates2020#DebateTonight"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Since March we have put forward an urgent agenda to address COVID-19 and the economic collapse. The health and economic crises have only deepened since. We need a relief plan that puts people first, along with a green economic stimulus. #Debates2020"
10/20/2020 Tweet - "We need an Economic Bill of Rights that will guarantee a right to a living wage job, affordable housing, comprehensive healthcare, a lifelong free public education, and a secure retirement! Learn more about our proposal at"
10/11/2020 Tweet - "We need an Ecosocialist Green New Deal to restructure our economy into a socialist economic democracy where the working-class majority is empowered to protect its interests and receive the full value of its labor. Read the article at"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "In 2010, I was the 1st candidate in the US to run on a Green New Deal. Today we have made it mainstream, supported by the US majority. Our plan incorporates an Economic Bill of Rights that the Dems won't touch, & the GOP hates that we can afford it:"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Our campaign is framed around the life and death issues. We are calling for a Green New Deal to address the climate crisis, and an Economic Bill of Rights to tackle growing inequality. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/02/2020 Hawkins Statement on COVID and Trump
09/19/2020 Tweet - "Together we can push for a #GreenNewDeal, save this planet, and provide economic opportunities for all. Lets take this movement forward together."
09/18/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism is killing the planet. We need major change now if we are to overcome the overlapping crises of climate catastrophe, spiraling racial and economic inequality, and a new nuclear arms race. We need a new direction. We need a #GreenNewDeal!"
09/12/2020 Hawkins Fights for Green Party's Survival
09/10/2020 Tweet - "The kind of changes that we need to make to transition to an #Ecosocialist future will require a restructuring of the economy that will displace many workers. While our #GND will create 38 million jobs, we still need to provide a #JustTransition for workers in a changing economy."
09/05/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism Fails. It's killing the planet. Ecosocialism = Economic Democracy We must place workers in control of the means of production to produce within ecological limits."
08/22/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal, which we began calling for in 2010, includes a guarantee of a living wage job - along with a rapid transition to renewable energy and zero greenhouse emissions by 2030. Or you can support one of the two corporate parties and their support for maximum profits"
08/21/2020 Tweet - "What does @GretaThunberg have to say about @JoeBiden and NY's climate goals? "Net zero emissions by 2050 equals surrender. This target only gives a 50% percent chance of limiting the global heating below 1.5°C." Ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal, zero by 2030"
07/30/2020 Hawkins Says Heal Act Will "spread the Pandemic and Deepen the Economic Collapse"
07/20/2020 Blog - the Moment of Truth Is Now for COVID & Economic Relief
07/11/2020 Howie Hawkins Wins Green Party Nomination, Angela Walker His Running Mate: "put Two Workers in The White House' General Election Campaign Begins
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Economic Bill of Rights
01/01/2020 Issue Position: The Ecosocialist Green New Deal Budget
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Perspectives and Policies for A Green Presidential Campaign
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Socialist Economy