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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
11/08/2020 Tweet - ""We are happy to see Trump go. Good riddance! We will continue to fight for a Green New Deal, an Economic Bill of Rights including Medicare for All, and a reprioritization of federal spending from militarism to caring for the people and the planet.""
11/07/2020 Hawkins and Walker React to Trump's Defeat
11/03/2020 Tweet - "How are you going to vote against Trump? By voting for neoliberal austerity or by voting for progressive policies that you need? We're the only campaign calling for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All! #NeverSettle Vote your values. Vote Hawkins/Walker!"
11/03/2020 Tweet - "Like Green campaigns in 2004 and 2016, we are prepared to fight to make sure every vote is counted! This may require legal challenges across the country and we will need your help! Donate to our Election Protection Legal Fund at"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism works for the few (the ultra rich), fails for the many, exploits workers, and plunders the Global South! #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "We need proportional representation! #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Any candidate on enough ballots to win the electoral college should be included in the debates. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "The United States needs ballot access reform and #RankedChoiceVoting #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "We need to stop any foreign interference with our elections. We also need to stop interference by the major parties in suppressing the right of millions of Americans from being able to vote, and to stop corporations from being able to buy elections. #Debates2020 #DebateTonight"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "We need to end the power of the Supreme Court to overturn legislation passed by Congress. We need to restrict the Supreme Court to the powers they are given under the Constitution. #debates #Debates2020"
10/20/2020 Letter to Michelle Carey, Media Bureau Chief of The Media Bureau of The Federal Communications Commission - Hawkins Files Communications Act Violation with Fcc to Order Rush Limbaugh to Provide 2 Hours of Equal Time
10/18/2020 Campaign Op-Ed - Are Environmentalists Too Compromised to Fight for Real Solutions?
10/15/2020 Tweet - "Unlike @JoeBiden , I have a plan on how to limit the powers of the Supreme Court, more in line with the Constitution. Such as limiting their power to overrule legislative action. And Congress should take legislative action to overturn wrong rulings."
10/14/2020 Hawkins Calls for Election Protection from Trump's Racist Vigilantes
10/13/2020 Hawkins Demands Equal Time on Rush Limbaugh After Trump's "radio Rally"
10/09/2020 Tweet - "The Commission on Presidential Debates doesn't serve voters, who have a right to hear from the candidates, they serve the interests of the major parties. Rather than open up the debates to more voices, the Commission has cancelled the next debate. The #CPD debates are a fraud."
10/09/2020 Tweet - "Ranked Choice Voting is one of the many reforms we need to build a real democracy in the US and Maine is leading the way in that are, with Ranked Choice Voting up and down the ticket, the Green's @LisaForMaine ! #RankHowieFirst #RankLisaFirst"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "So Trump, the Typhoid Mary of COVID-19, won't debate Biden online. What? He wants it in person so he can infect Biden, too? I'll take Trump's place and present solutions the majority of people want but both Trump and Biden oppose, like a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. - H"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Our campaign is framed around the life and death issues. We are calling for a Green New Deal to address the climate crisis, and an Economic Bill of Rights to tackle growing inequality. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Abolish the Electoral College! #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Trump says he won't debate Biden virtually. I'd be happy to fill in. Biden can finally be honest about his politics and take the stage as the true conservative candidate and the progressives policies can finally be represented on stage. #LetHowieDebate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need Ranked Choice Voting in every State + D.C. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "Protect Whistleblowers! #OpenDebate #Debate2020 #debates"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "We need Full Public Campaign Financing #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
10/07/2020 Free Press - a Green Vote Is an Anti-Trump Vote, Too

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