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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Both major parties are dominated by the military-industrial complex. I will cut the military budget by 75% to reinvest in our domestic needs and climate action. #Debates2020 #debate"
10/08/2020 Tweet - "End the endless wars. Cut the military budget by 75%. #OpenDebate #Debates2020 #DebateNight"
09/12/2020 Hawkins Fights for Green Party's Survival
09/09/2020 Tweet - "The best way to rebuild economy from the COVID collapse is to invest in our #GreenNewDeal. Combining job creation from building wind, solar and geothermal and doing conservation and sustainable agriculture with #MedicareForAll, affordable housing, guaranteed income. #TaxTheRich"
08/26/2020 Tweet - "Trump continued the effort by Obama to increase the wasteful funding of the Pentagon and to make nuclear weapons a greater threat to world security. I will cut the military budget by at least 75%, and redirect the funds to a #GreenNewDeal, bring out troops home. #RNC2020"
08/26/2020 Tweet - "We need a police force that protects all community residents, not attack people of color. We need to #DefundthePolice to support housing, social workers and mental health programs. Demilitarize the police. #RNC2020 Stop the killings. Community control."
08/10/2020 Release -- Howie Hawkins: Use Stock Transfer Tax to Close State Deficit
10/26/2014 At Manhattan Campaign Rally and Fundraiser Hawkins Says After Election Cuomo Will Give Green Light to Fracking. Says We Must Do More to End Poverty, Income Inequality
10/23/2014 Mudflats - NY's Howie Hawkins -- Candidate for Governor
10/17/2014 Racism Undermines Quality of Life in New York
10/15/2014 Building a Sustainable Long Island
10/08/2014 Hawkins Calls On Cuomo to Join Him and Astorino in 3 Debates
10/08/2014 Albany Times Union - Hawkins Wants Three Debates
10/07/2014 Time Warner Cable News - Two Republican County Executives Endorse Gov. Cuomo
10/04/2014 Hawkins: Green Party Is True Choice for Women's Equality
10/03/2014 Budget Letter Shows Cuomo Will Continue Austerity for 99%, More Wealth for 1%
10/01/2014 Hawkins Wants Tax Cuts for 95%, Not Astorino's Tax Cuts for the Rich
09/23/2014 Hawkins Says Cuomo Exploits Women's Issues to Increase Vote Totals
07/30/2014 49th Medicare Birthday; Enact Single Payer
07/27/2014 Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour, End Tip Deduction - Wage Board
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Justice
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Women's Rights
10/19/2010 Hawkins, Nader Press Conference in Albany, Wed. Oct. 20, 1 PM
09/17/2010 Hawkins To Paladino: Debate the Real Progressive
10/10/2008 Syracuse Post-Standard - Hawkins Fumes while D&R Candidates Debate

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