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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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Date Title
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal will create 38 million jobs and transform all sectors of the economy to zero emissions by 2030. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "I want a $20 minimum wage. Both parties have refused to raise the national minimum wage. #debates #Debate2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal, beyond solving the climate crisis, would guarantee a living wage job and a minimum income for all Americans. #debates #Debate2020"
10/07/2020 Tweet - "Pence spouting old corporate trope of jobs vs. environment. Our budget for an ecosocialist Green New Deal shows how we can create 38 million jobs caring for people and the planet."
09/29/2020 Hawkins Demands Full-Strength Green New Deal
09/29/2020 Tweet - "Part of my #GreenNewDeal that I first proposed in 2010 is to guarantee a living wage job for all Americans - while saving life on our planet. #debates #Debates2020"
09/09/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will create over 30 million new jobs, while restructuring the economy in a more sustainable and egalitarian way. Find out more about our plan at"
09/08/2020 Tweet - "Universal prosperity is a mirage under capitalism: The American Dream. We need an Economic Bill of Rights: 1. A Living-Wage Job 2. An Income Above Poverty 3. Affordable Housing 4. Medicare For All 5. Lifelong Free Public Education 6. Double Social Security Benefits"
09/04/2020 Tweet - "What I wrote last Labor Day: The next president should harness the energy of working people and build political power for a transformation agenda for working people who have not gotten a real raise in decades. Ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal."
09/03/2020 Tweet - "In this day, in 1916, Congress passed the Adamson Act, the 1st federal law guaranteeing an 8 hr work day in a private industry. The victory was a result of organized labor in the rail industry threatening to strike. A month later, congress acted. Collective action gets the goods."
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Economic Bill of Rights
11/03/2014 Hawkins: Use Your Vote to Send a Message
10/30/2014 Register-Star - Green Party Candidate for Governor Makes Stop in Hudson
10/26/2014 At Manhattan Campaign Rally and Fundraiser Hawkins Says After Election Cuomo Will Give Green Light to Fracking. Says We Must Do More to End Poverty, Income Inequality
10/23/2014 In These Times - Nervous, Cuomo? Green Party's Howie Hawkins Draws 6 Teachers Union Endorsements
10/22/2014 Yahoo News - NY Governor Hopefuls Debate Economy, Leadership
10/22/2014 Hawkins Wins Governor Debate: With Substance and Plans Green Party's Hawkins Demonstrates He is Only Progressive on the Ballot
10/20/2014 Legislative Gazette - Following His Fracking Tour, Hawkins Outlines Energy Plan
10/18/2014 LoHud - Reisman: Hawkins Says Andy, Rob Are Both Just GOP
10/17/2014 Racism Undermines Quality of Life in New York
10/17/2014 Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform Endorse Howie Hawkins for Governor. Third NYC Democratic Club To Have Endorsed Hawkins This Week
10/13/2014 WAMC - Howie Hawkins Weighs In On Fracking, Common Core
10/13/2014 Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club Endorse Green Party's Howie Hawkins for Governor. Second Leading Progressive Democratic Club to Endorse Hawkins After Village Independent Democrats
10/12/2014 Village Independent Democrats Endorse Howie Hawkins. First Time Venerable Club Has Ever Endorsed Third Party Candidate
10/11/2014 NY Daily News - Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Howie Hawkins Working to Woo Democrats Unhappy with Cuomo

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