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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

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Date Title
08/14/2023 Speaker Kevin McCarthy Tweet on Justice, Weaponized Government and 2024 Election
08/25/2022 Tweet - "The FBI colluded with Big Tech to silence news stories weeks before the 2020 election in an attempt to control your access to information. Democrats in Congress have been intentionally ignoring the facts. When Republicans are back in charge, we will hold all of them accountable."
02/12/2022 Tweet - "Democrats got caught spying, first on candidate Trump and then when he was President IN THE WHITE HOUSE. The Russia hoax was a lie from day one--manufactured by his political enemies--and every person involved with this un-American activity must be brought to justice."
01/13/2022 Tweet - "26 Democrats have announced retirement--more than any cycle since 1996. Who can blame them?"
11/03/2021 Tweet - "RT to agree Americans want a change in leadership, and Virginia is just the first step."
11/03/2021 Tweet - "New Jersey, which Biden won by 16 points: White heavy check mark Governor's race too close to call White heavy check mark Senate president lost to a Republican who spent $200 on his campaign"
06/22/2021 Tweet - "The Senate just wisely rejected a bill that would (special character) use taxpayer dollars to fund political campaigns (special character) weaken election security (special character) ban voter ID #HR1 was never about "voting rights." It's just a power-grab designed to keep Democrats in control indefinitely."
03/04/2021 Tweet - "First, they defunded the police. Next, they're going to come for your guns. And with HR 1, they want to use federal money to fund their campaigns so they can stay in power--permanently. The Democrat agenda, ladies and gentlemen."
03/03/2021 Tweet - "Nancy Pelosi is plotting a vote tonight on an election bill that the ACLU says "contains significant flaws that are detrimental to the health of our democracy." When even the ACLU opposes it, that's when you know Democrats have gone too far."
03/02/2021 Tweet - "Nancy Pelosi is forcing a vote on HR 1--which is designed to weaken election security against voter fraud. It was bad when Democrats introduced it 2 years ago. It's worse now. I'm about to reveal the truth behind their election bill. Watch live here:"
02/05/2021 Tweet - "It only took 94 days, but Claudia Tenney has finally been declared the winner in #NY22. It's about time. That's the 15th House seat that Republicans flipped, and she joins 18 other women to set the record for our largest female freshman class ever. Congratulations, Claudia!"
01/06/2021 Tweet - "Our democracy cannot be disrupted by criminal behavior. We will not falter. We will not bend. We will not shrink from our duty. Mobs don't rule America--laws do."
10/28/2020 Tweet - "Media that declares a winner of the presidential election before polling centers close will unquestionably disenfranchise Americans who have not yet voted. I wrote a letter to the heads of major news orgs to request patience in calling a winner until all polling centers close."
10/25/2020 Tweet - "Big Tech is blatantly trying to suppress free speech and prop up Joe Biden's campaign. Now is the time to scrap their Section 230 protections and start over."
08/18/2020 Tweet - "Nothing demonstrates a more perfect union better than the 19th Amendment--which was ratified on this day 100 years ago--acknowledging women's right to vote. I'm proud to say it was a Republican from California who wrote it!"
03/10/2020 Tweet - "FISA must be reformed. In 2016, politically-motivated individuals at the highest levels violated the law to spy on then-Candidate Trump's campaign. Republicans and Democrats now have an agreement that can keep our country safe without compromising Americans' civil liberties."
10/31/2019 Tweet - "Today is about more than the fairness of the impeachment process. It is about the integrity of our electoral process. Democrats are trying to impeach the President because they are scared they can't defeat him at the ballot box."
09/26/2019 Tweet - "Before the 2016 election, Vladmir Putin set on a mission to sow discord in our democracy. And for nearly three years, House Democrats, under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, have helped him succeed. My Q&A with reporters starts soon. Watch here:"
03/08/2019 Tweet - "This bill we're about to vote on today-- #HR1 --is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections."
11/05/2018 Tweet - "If the American people return Republicans to power, we will continue to implement the America First agenda that has made our nation stronger and more secure. #MAGA #ElectionEve"
10/18/2018 Tweet - "Collateral damage? Dangerous rhetoric like this has no place in our political discourse. It's clearer than ever that Republicans are the party of jobs and Democrats are the party of mobs."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "STAT OF THE DAY: 140 Democrats refused to vote "YES' on a resolution condemning voting by illegal immigrants in our elections."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "If you are an American citizen in San Francisco or Chicago, your vote in local elections counts less now than it did before. You can thank your local Dem politicians for that."
09/24/2018 Tweet - "Allowing illegal immigrants to vote diminishes the voting power of American citizens. This must end."
09/20/2018 Tweet - "I hope my colleagues will stand with me in protecting the right to vote for every American citizen of legal age, and rejecting all outside or foreign interference in our elections."

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