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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Family

Date Title
10/03/2021 Tweet - "Asking for prayers for our niece, Braylee."
03/02/2021 Tweet - "Dear Chuck Schumer: Take Pelosi's Silicon Valley Subway out of your $1.9 Trillion Dollar bill. House Democrats had 3 chances to do the right thing and redirect that $140 million to kids' mental health services. Now it's your turn. Do what they failed to do."
02/28/2021 Tweet - "The Socialists have brought the swamp back. $140 million for a tunnel near Pelosi's district, and when Republicans tried to redirect that money to provide mental health services for kids, every single Democrat voted against the kids."
02/27/2021 Tweet - "(Special character)BREAKING(Special character) Democrats just blocked $140 million in grants for mental health services for kids. Know where they decided to spend that taxpayer money instead? Pelosi's tunnel."
02/13/2019 Tweet - "Any child who survives an attempted abortion should receive mandatory medical care. This shouldn't be partisan, but Democrats keep denying an up or down vote."
02/08/2019 Tweet - "As Republicans stand on the side of life, Democrats were once again silent on infanticide today."
02/06/2019 Tweet - "Today, I will ask for a vote on @RepAnnWagner's Born-Alive Protection Act, which would outlaw and penalize infanticide in the United States. If Democrats object, we will ask again. And again. And again, until the House of Representatives speaks up for life."
11/03/2017 Tweet - "Nothing in this bill should be controversial, which is why it was disappointing to see 171 Democrats vote against it. #CHIP"