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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

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01/07/2022 Tweet - "The world's greatest economy is being smothered by Washington Democrats' government overreach. Today's jobs report is another massive miss, falling 200,000 jobs short of expectations. In less than 12 months, the Biden admin has sabotaged what should've been a V-shaped recovery."
10/21/2021 Tweet - "Whether it's $5 trillion, $3 trillion, or $1 trillion, the Democrat plan will worsen inflation, our labor shortage, and our border crisis. It will set America back for decades. I'm exposing the truth about their Socialist Spending Scam. Join me live now:"
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Democrats are trying to create a new IRS surveillance program to target anyone who relies on tips to make your living. They'll be able to spy on your bank account to monitor every single transaction you make. No warrants. No permissions. No limits. It's un-American."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "Everywhere I go--including a steel center in Pennsylvania this week--small businesses are saying the same thing. They can't find workers because the government is paying people to stay home. It is causing inflation, and inflation is a tax on everyone."
06/10/2021 Tweet - "California Democrats (special character) Attack energy jobs in California (special character) Refuse to send kids back to school (special character) Neglect massive increases in homelessness It's time for a change in Sacramento."
06/05/2021 Tweet - "(special character) Rewarding people NOT to work (special character) Emboldening our adversaries in Russia and Iran (special character) Eliminating tens of thousands of good-paying energy jobs with the stroke of a pen This is President Biden's record, and it's only been 5 months."
05/23/2021 Tweet - "From inflation to gas lines, the American economy today looks more like it did in 1979 than 2019--when wages were rising, businesses were growing, and unemployment was at record lows."
05/07/2021 Tweet - "Today's jobs report is a disappointment--just like President Biden's plan to burden families with more taxes & more debt. While Dems trap people in a cycle of fear & pay them NOT to work, it's clear the best thing to do is end the crisis-era policies & get Americans back to work."

Tweet - "Democrats have accomplished a lot in just 2 months: - Higher gas prices - Biden's border crisis - 1 Million energy jobs destroyed And they're just getting started."
03/11/2021 Tweet - "President Biden owes the nation answers on 3 questions tonight: 1. When can the economy fully reopen so people can get back to work? 2. Why aren't our children in school as the science says it's safe? 3. Why are you letting immigrants with COVID enter our country illegally?"
02/11/2021 Tweet - "It hasn't even been a month since President Biden has been in office and he has already caused devastating job loss for thousands of hardworking Americans and has given parents virtually no hope their children will be able to return to a regular school schedule."
02/09/2021 Tweet - "The Democrats' big idea to fix our economic crisis is to impose a national wage mandate that could put nearly 4 million Americans out of work. Plus, this job-killing plan would disproportionately target economically disadvantaged communities the most."
01/19/2021 Tweet - "The #KeystoneXL pipeline is exactly the type of infrastructure project America needs: (Special Character) Reduces dependence on overseas oil (Special Character) Creates good-paying jobs here at home It would be built by union workers and powered by solar, wind, & battery. Revoking it would be a step backward."
11/10/2020 Tweet - "California's #AB5 stripped freelancers of their ability to pursue flexible work by removing their independent contractor status. With the passage of #Prop22, our workers will remain protected and our state's growing gig economy will continue to thrive!"
10/25/2020 Tweet - "More than 51 million jobs have been saved this year by the Paycheck Protection Program. That's the good news. The bad news is that there is still money sitting in the program, and Speaker Pelosi has blocked 39 attempts from Republicans to release it to workers in need."
10/20/2020 Tweet - "Democrats refuse to acknowledge the threat China poses. They stand by as China monopolizes our supply chains, steals our innovations, and expands influence around the world. Republicans will end our dependence on China and bring American jobs back home."
09/30/2020 Tweet - "We need to end America's dependence on China. That starts with changing our supply chain and bringing jobs back to the United States."
09/23/2020 Tweet - "Pelosi has delayed for too long. The Paycheck Protection Program has already saved 51 million jobs. If not replenished, small businesses will be forced to cut jobs and close doors. Live at 10:35am ET: @RepSteveChabot, @RepDrewFerguson, @RepLizCheney"
08/21/2020 Tweet - ".@Uber & @Lyft, the 2 largest ridesharing companies in the US, are prepared to leave California because Democrats refuse to fix #AB5, even though it's crushing gig workers AND the people who rely on them during this pandemic. This is lunacy. We need change."
07/09/2020 Tweet - "More work to do, but here is some good news: * Nearly 1/3 of all jobs lost during shutdown have returned * Including record jobs gain of 4.8 million last month We are on the road to rebuild, restore, and renew the greatest economy in our lifetimes."
04/11/2020 Tweet - "If you are out of work, unemployment benefits just got a big increase--up to $600 more per week. Eligibility is now expanded, and you can get an additional 13 weeks of unemployment insurance."
04/03/2020 Tweet - "If you work at a small business, ask your boss to check in with their lender about the Paycheck Protection Program. It's a guaranteed loan/grant that will cover payroll/utilities/rent. This is how small businesses can stay alive, access liquidity, and keep people employed."
03/18/2020 Tweet - "From the start, #AB5 has crushed the gig economy, leading to many lost jobs for freelancers. As our country continues to navigate coronavirus, Gov Newsom + the California State Legislature must repeal this bill, or at minimum stop its current enforcement, and support gig workers."
01/13/2020 Tweet - "AB5 is already hurting freelance workers throughout California. These are our friends and neighbors--students working to pay their way through school and parents working to feed their children. More from my op-ed with @AsmVinceFong:"
10/08/2019 Tweet - "Democrats are preoccupied with impeaching the duly elected President of the United States in an effort to undo the 2016 election. Meanwhile...America's economy is booming with the lowest unemployment in 50 years."

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