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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

Date Title
08/06/2022 Tweet - "Washington Democrats claim they want to lower inflation, but their newest spending scam includes a giveaway for people making up to $300,000--a $7,500 tax credit to buy an $80,000 electric vehicle. The leaders of the Democrat Party are completely out of touch."
11/18/2021 Tweet - "We should be building pipelines here in America. Instead Joe Biden blocked the Keystone XL pipeline while greenlighting Russia's Nord Stream II pipeline."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "America will reject Biden's "Build Back Better" Scam once they find out it DOES NOTHING to:"
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Every Democrat should have to answer 2 simple questions about Biden's "Build Back Better" Scam"
05/24/2021 Tweet - "Thought-provoking policy idea at a time when Big Tech is in need of some disruption."
05/22/2021 Tweet - "Democrats' infrastructure proposal is just another $2-trillion progressive wishlist. The Republican plan has real solutions for real infrastructure, with major investments in roads, bridges, water, and broadband--in total, an investment of $460 billion."
05/21/2021 Tweet - "Biden's "infrastructure" plan includes giving the IRS power to spy on your bank account to track every dime you make & every dollar you spend. This is the same IRS that targeted conservatives last time Biden was in the White House. Does that sound like infrastructure to you?"
04/30/2021 Tweet - "When President Biden pitches his infrastructure plan, he likes to talk about "highways, ports, airports, bridges." What he doesn't like to talk about is the fact that those very worthwhile things only account for 3.5% of his overall tax-and-spend agenda."
04/28/2021 Tweet - "We do need to invest in America's infrastructure. Unfortunately, that's not what President Biden's so-called infrastructure plan does. Less than 6% of his plan actually goes towards roads and bridges."
04/01/2021 Tweet - "Not an April Fools joke: President Biden's so-called "infrastructure" plan spends less than 6% to repair bridges, highways, and roads."
09/28/2020 Tweet - "Republicans will REBUILD the greatest economy, by (Special Character) (Special Character) Supporting small businesses with billions in forgivable loans (Special Character) Launching a 5-year plan to fix our roads, bridges, and airports (Special Character) Working toward high-speed internet for every household in America."
08/21/2020 Tweet - ".@Uber & @Lyft, the 2 largest ridesharing companies in the US, are prepared to leave California because Democrats refuse to fix #AB5, even though it's crushing gig workers AND the people who rely on them during this pandemic. This is lunacy. We need change."
08/18/2020 Tweet - "Rolling blackouts are proof California needs smart infrastructure--no high-speed rail, more grid + power, & more water too! Dems are blocking critical water storage projects. Time to pass a WIIN Act extension to keep water coming to our communities and protect the environment!"
02/06/2020 Tweet - "The VET-TEC Expansion Act will build upon the successful #VETTEC Pilot Program by: Allowing some qualified active-duty servicemembers to apply to participate Allowing the VA to accept part-time tech-oriented programs Ensuring VET-TEC attracts innovative course providers"
10/13/2019 Tweet - "Here are just a few things Democrats are NOT doing as they pursue their sham process of impeachment: Lowering prescription drug prices Passing #USMCA Repairing our crumbling infrastructure Securing the border Fighting the opioid epidemic"
10/07/2019 Tweet - "Our nation's infrastructure is crumbling, and there are bipartisan solutions on the table. But what are Washington Democrats doing about it? Nothing. Their focus on impeachment rather than improvement is hurting the country."
05/16/2019 Tweet - "The California high-speed rail boondoggle has been inherently flawed from the very beginning. Let's move on and focus on actual solutions for Californians, like the RAILWAY Act, which brings funding back to the Golden State to improve our water storage."
11/16/2018 Tweet - "Colossal waste of precious taxpayer dollars. #CAHSR '08: $33.6 billion '10: $43 billion '16: $64.2 billion '18: $77.3 billion"
04/27/2018 Tweet - "By modernizing and supporting our airport #infrastructure -- a more efficient and reliable transportation of people and commerce will keep our economy growing. #FAA"
04/24/2018 Tweet - "By modernizing the regulations governing disaster relief and reforming the Stafford Act, recovery builders can focus on how to use every dollar most effectively to prepare our communities for the future. My op-ed w/ @CongCulberson"
04/18/2018 Tweet - "#CAHSR is a national disgrace. With no federal money and no current private sector investment, this project is now California taxpayers' worst nightmare as they are left holding the bag."
02/12/2018 Tweet - ".@POTUS' bold infrastructure plan would improve American safety, make our economy more efficient, and restore and create pieces of civic engineering that our country can be proud of."
11/29/2017 Tweet - "If Democrats in the legislature are so confident in #CAHSR, why are they afraid of a state audit? What are they hiding from taxpayers? I'll continue to work to ensure no more federal taxpayer dollars are wasted on this project."