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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

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06/26/2022 Tweet - "Extreme policies are now mainstream in the Democrat Party. Every House Democrat is on the record as voting in favor of tax-payer funded abortion on demand, even up to the point of birth."
06/24/2022 Tweet - "Every unborn child is precious, extraordinary, and worthy of protection. I applaud this historic ruling, which will save countless innocent lives. The Court is right to return the power to protect the unborn to the people's elected representatives in Congress and the states."
05/03/2022 Tweet - "Yesterday's unprecedented leak is an attempt to severely damage the Supreme Court. This clearly coordinated campaign to intimidate and obstruct the Justices from upholding the Constitution must be immediately investigated. Full statement from @SteveScalise , @RepStefanik , & me:"
01/21/2022 Tweet - "America was founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. Not just born equal. Created equal. Unborn children deserve equal protection under the law. ← RT to agree"
12/01/2021 Tweet - "Science is on the side of LIFE. Every unborn child is worthy of being protected under our Constitution. Late-term abortion should be outlawed."
10/22/2021 Roundtable Recap: Supporting Hyde and Preventing Taxpayer-Funded Abortions
09/24/2021 Tweet - "Democrats are pushing a radical pro-abortion bill, the so-called Women's Health Protection Act, which would allow abortion on demand up until the moment of birth. This is a radical policy that simply does not respect the sanctity of life."
07/15/2021 Tweet - "(special character) BREAKING (special character) Democrats just voted to allow taxpayer-funding of abortions and force health workers to participate. For 44 years, both parties have agreed the Hyde Amendment is the law of the land. Today the Democrat Party has shown just how radical they have become."
05/28/2021 Tweet - "(special character) BREAKING NEWS; President Biden is destroying decades of settled precedent by calling for direct taxpayer-funded abortion. The #BidenBudget is the most reckless & irresponsible budget proposal in my lifetime. It's wrong for America. My full statement:"
04/14/2021 Tweet - "Over the past few years, Democrat-controlled states have passed legislation allowing abortions to be performed up until birth. Killing a baby that was born alive is infanticide--there's no other way to put it. This is wrong. Republicans will never give up on the fight for life."
01/29/2021 Tweet - "The new administration has already shown its willingness to disregard unity and promote abortion at home and abroad. Now is the time for us to make our voices heard to protect the most innocent among us. Life is precious. Life is worth protecting. Life unites. #whywemarch"
01/22/2021 Tweet - "48 years ago today, Roe v Wade struck down pro-life protections across the country. Today, we mourn the millions of unborn children who are victims of abortion. Science is on the side of life. Now, more than ever, we must raise our voices in defense of the sanctity of life."
02/21/2020 Tweet - "California's discrimination against pro-life Californians must end. Will the state finally acknowledge the civil rights of all their residents? The state only has two days left to do the right thing, comply with federal law, and allow abortion-free health insurance plans."
02/14/2020 Tweet - "We will not stand for the continued devaluation of human life mandated by California's government. The state has 9 days to comply with federal law and allow abortion-free health insurance plans. Every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential."
02/07/2020 Tweet - "California's unlawful "pro-choice" policy for health insurance plans provides individuals NO choice when it comes to paying for abortion coverage. The state government has 16 days to comply with federal law and recognize the rights of pro-life Americans."
01/24/2020 Tweet - "California's abortion mandate not only devalues life, but cruelly compels many Californians to support abortion against their will--which is a violation of federal law. I urge Governor Newsom to reconsider his support for this unlawful policy."
01/24/2020 Tweet - "President Trump's passion for life extends well beyond the #MarchForLife. His administration has confirmed pro-life judges, slashed taxpayer-funded abortions, and created a new office for conscience protection at @HHSgov . Our country is moving in the right direction!"
03/25/2019 Tweet - "19 times House Republicans have tried to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that would rescue children who survive a botched abortion. 19 times House Democrats have blocked it."
03/12/2019 Tweet - "For the 16th time, Democrats refused to bring the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act up for a vote on the floor. We will continue to ask for unanimous consent because it is still the right thing to do. @HouseGOP news conference starts soon"
03/11/2019 Tweet - "The Born Alive Protection Act is NOT a debate about abortion. It's about protecting a baby who is ALREADY born. Democrats are the ones on the wrong side of history on this. Today, for the 16th time, they'll have an opportunity to make it right."
02/23/2019 Tweet - "Republicans have asked six times for an up or down vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and each time, Democrats have blocked the vote."
02/13/2019 Tweet - "Any child who survives an attempted abortion should receive mandatory medical care. This shouldn't be partisan, but Democrats keep denying an up or down vote."
02/08/2019 Tweet - "As Republicans stand on the side of life, Democrats were once again silent on infanticide today."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "The Democrat party has taken a radically callous position towards life."
02/06/2019 Tweet - "Today, I will ask for a vote on @RepAnnWagner's Born-Alive Protection Act, which would outlaw and penalize infanticide in the United States. If Democrats object, we will ask again. And again. And again, until the House of Representatives speaks up for life."

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