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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

Date Title
02/03/2022 Tweet - "President Biden wants to pose for photos & take away your #2a rights. Soft-on-crime politicians are destroying our country. If Americans entrust Republicans with the House, we will focus on getting criminals off the streets--not invite them to break the law without consequence."
07/24/2021 Tweet - "First Democrat cities and states rush to defund police. Next Violent crime spikes to its highest levels this century. Now Protecting law-abiding citizens' right to keep and bear arms has never been more important."
04/08/2021 Tweet - "President Biden has ordered the DOJ to issue new rules that will surely result in unconstitutional overreach. Republicans will strongly oppose and pursue every option--be it legislative or judicial--to protect the right to keep and bear arms from infringement by this Administration"
04/07/2021 Tweet - "President Biden plans to announce his attempts to trample over our constitutional 2A rights by executive fiat. He is soft on crime, but infringes on the rights of law-abiding citizens. I won't stand for it. And neither will House Republicans. Follow the Constitution!"
03/11/2021 Tweet - "Democrats want to make it harder for Americans to keep and bear arms in order to protect themselves and their families. Of course, they voted to limit your 2nd Amendment rights from behind the walls of a Capitol fortified with armed security forces."
12/08/2019 Tweet - "In the midst of an ongoing investigation, here is what we know: the victims of the NAS Pensacola shooting are nothing short of national heroes. In their last moments of life, they ran toward the sound of gunfire--a courageous move that saved lives."
08/04/2019 Tweet - "No one in this country should fear going shopping or going out on a Saturday night. These monsters acted out of pure hate--we must not allow this evil to ever happen again. All Americans lift up the families who are mourning, & we thank the first responders who acted so quickly."
11/05/2017 Tweet - "The evil perpetrated in Sutherland Springs is indescribable."